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Dear Ashton,

You approached me earlier, your hazel-green eyes trained on me the entire time as I attempted to collect myself in front of you, but failing miserably. The amused laugh that escaped your lips and the warm smile you had sent my way did not escape my gaze, and I knew that I must have turned a bright pink by then. I thought that you might have just wanted to ask about the History assignment that Mrs. Ricks had given us, but the question that you had asked me took all of the air out of my lungs.

"What's your name, by the way?"

At first, I thought that I must have dozed off during History because there was no way that this would be happening in real life. I was not the kind of person to be noticed by absolutely anyone, and to be noticed by someone like you was indeed a miracle. I must have been dreaming.

But you made me realize that I was not asleep, and this was not one of my many dreams, by placing your warm hand onto my forearm and gazing into my eyes with concern swimming in your bright hazel-green ones. It was real. This was real. This was really happening.

I apologize for flinching, I simply was surprised to see that this truly was occurring because I never woud have imagined that my fantasies would ever make their way into reality. I tugged on the sleeves of my uniform, my eyes peering up at you as I replied to the question you have asked.

I felt the nasty-ass butterflies run wild inside my stomach, accompanied by the loud thumping of my heart against my chest when you gave me one of those bright smiles that was almost always present on your face.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Ashton."

I fought the impulse to say, "I know," or the urge to say, "I've known forever." I couldn't ever tell you how you have plagued my mind for the past year, and how hard I have been falling every damn day because of you. I cannot tell you.

Not when you love someone who isn't me.

Instead, I just put on one of the biggest false smiles I have ever made and told you the exact same words you have spoken, shoving aside everything I've longed to admit to you when I fantasized about us meeting for the first time.

"It's nice to meet you too."

okay so you might be thinking "wtf what is your name ??!??" so let me just clear it up  : the protagonist is nameless. and gender-neutral.

it's up to you guys to give em a name, whether it's your own or an alias or whatever c:

SHE'S NOT ME ( ASHTON IRWIN )Where stories live. Discover now