"shit happens."

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It's scary how hard we can fall for one person.

Love, to me, is much like a game of Jenga. We spend so much time and effort into building a committed relationship with the utmost care just like we do with the tower. We have small fights here and there, but no relationship can exist without having them. And eventually, there's that one block that, once you pull, makes the whole tower come crashing down.

However, that one block that made Zain and I come crashing down was and still is unknown to me. Even after all thes years, I never got the closure I needed.

But I wasn't going to bring it up -- at least, not yet. Who knows? Maybe I won't ever. After all, some things are better left in the past, right?

It was about two in the afternoon now and I was craving real food. My stomach growled a few times but it wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear, luckily. The cookies Zain ate were long gone by now. I had some snacks stuffed in my bag, but they weren't filling enough.

Zain was still typing away on his laptop, his eyebrows furrowed together and his lips pursed. His eyes moved across the screen, his nose scrunching up occasionally as he typed. My mind flashed back to the times when we'd sit together in his bedroom and work on our homework together -- well, tried to work on it. I always found something calming in the way he worked. Whenever we did things together, I would put music on and we'd both work together. Every time he scrunched his eyebrows together, I always had the urge to smooth them over. And I did do that. He would smile at me, kiss my forehead and go back to working -- some of the time.

Zain sighed heavily, closing his laptop and putting it away. I tried not to watch him but it was hard having your ex boyfriend sitting across from you after not seeing each other for about five years.
I tore my eyes away and focused on the pattern of the seat.

"Aisha." My eyes met his instantly. "Would you...like to get a cup of coffee?" Say no, it's just going to cause problems.

"Sure." Dumbass. He smiled at me, making my heart jump.

Five years later and he still makes my heart go crazy.

I followed him towards the back of the train where they had a mini cafe. There were a few people around. A family of three sat in the back corner. The mom had her head resting against her husband with their baby in her lap. They both looked exhausted but looking at them, their arms wrapped around each other, brought a sincere smile on my face.

That's the kind of love I want.

Zain walked up to the counter and ordered two coffees and two bagels for us. The two of us sat in a small booth opposite of the couple. For a moment, the two of us just stared out the window in silence.

"How have you been, Aisha?" he asked, interrupting the silence. I looked up, meeting his caramel irises.

I clasped my hands together in my lap, leaning against the seat. "Been fine," I murmured, feeling self-conscious of the way he was studying me. "How are you?"

"Can we just focus on your for a second?" he asked, leaning forward. My heart thumped arrhythmically.

"Why?" I asked, feeling even more nervous than I originally was.

"Because I know you're not just 'fine.'"

"How would you know?"

Zain frowned, his eyes searching mine. "Aisha, don't act like that."

"Act like what, Zain?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Act like we never knew each other," he said. "I know it's been years but, Aish, I know you. I know you like the back of my hand for Christ's sake and I know you're not okay."

"You don't know me, Zain. Not anymore."

He was about to speak but a lady came, placing our coffee on our table before walking away. Zain sighed, looking down at his cup.

I glanced at the window, watching the snow fall. It was starting to worsen. Looking at it now made me realize how similar my situation was with the weather.

The moment Zain sat next to me, I knew I was in for one hell of a storm.

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