"touch me."

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*warning: contains sexual content*

Zain subconsciously held me tighter, digging his face into my hair, mumbling incoherent words. He was fast asleep, as were most of the other passengers. We managed to squeeze the two of us, laying on the seats, arms and legs tangled.

I had cried -- cried because we wasted so many years. Cried because he was, at one point, dying and I couldn't do anything about it. Crying because he kept it from me. But mostly because I lost him for too long.

Zain was -- is -- my sole source of happiness. He always has been. He knew me like the back of his hand and always, always made me happy, no matter what.

"Jaan," he murmured, his voice low and husky, kissing my hair. "Sleep, my love."

I smiled softly, kissing his forehead. "I'm not tired," I murmured.  "I have to use the restroom, I'll be right back."

Zain pulled away, sitting up. He ran his fingers through his hair, calming it as he looked at me. "Hurry back," he murmured, kissing my lips gently.

I got up, a small smile on my face, and headed towards the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I grimaced at the sight; my hair was a mess, my eyeliner was smudged, and I had dark bags under my eyes. I poured water on my face, wiping off my makeup in the process, making me look even more tired than previously. What I looked like didn't matter anymore. I washed my hands thoroughly before opening the door, jumping as Zain, suddenly, stepped in, shutting the door behind him.


His lips met mine hungrily and I couldn't -- I didn't want to -- pull away. He lifted me on top of the counter, my hands wrapping around his neck as he gripped my thighs. My heart thumped furiously against my chest as he pressed into me, making me feel every inch of his body, exciting me.

His lips trailed down my skin, suckling on the sensitive area on my neck, eliciting a soft moan from me as he dug his fingers into my thighs, my fingers tangling in his hair, gently tugging as a surge of euphoria washed over me.

He knew what he was doing to me. He knew my body, he knew my reactions, he knew me.

I brought his lips back onto mine as he pulled me close, the hardness in his pants pressing into my thigh.

Would we? Could we?

The thought of having sex with Zain -- in the bathroom of a stilled train in the middle of a snowstorm -- should have made me push him away, but I couldn't.

I couldn't think properly, not with him touching me, sending shivers done my spine and causing goosebumps to rise on my arms.

There was no doubt about it -- I missed Zain so much, but I missed his touch, the feeling of his body against mine, just as much. And as he began to remove my sweater, I didn't stop him, letting him pull it over my head, leaving me in just a maroon v-neck shirt.

Zain paused for a moment, looking at me with lust covered eyes, questioningly. Do you want this as much as I do?

I pulled him closer, shrugging his jacket off and letting it fall to the ground as my fingers worked on his shirt. A low groan resounded from the back of his neck as my fingers made contact with his skin.

He removed my shirt, exposing my black bra. "Beautiful," he whispered, gently biting my earlobe. "You have no idea how much I missed you, your body. God, Aisha, you drive me so fucking crazy."

I wanted to speak, to tell him he drives me crazy too, that I missed him, every last inch of him, but the words were replaced with a muffled moan as he dipped his head, using his pointer finger to pull my bra down as his lips attached to my breasts, sending me into a state of ecstasy, while his other hand began working on my leggings.

In a matter of moments, his pants fell to the ground, mine accompanying his, until we were both naked. The thrill of it all had heightened my arousal and I nearly lost it when his fingers touched my core, his lips pressing against mine to silence my moans.

When he finally slid in, all common sense flew out the window -- not that it was ever present throughout this whole train ride. It had taken a few moments to get accustomed to him once again, but neither one of us could hold back. My hands were everywhere, grabbing his arms, scratching his back and shoulders, tangling in his hair, pulling him in closer. It was as if I couldn't get enough of him, I craved him, every last inch of him.

All the pent up feelings -- the anger, the hurt, the love -- came rushing out in the open, all our walls came crashing down. And, in that moment, as he gave one final thrust, resting his forehead on mine as I clung to him, riding out the overwhelming wave of euphoria, I knew that I would never love anyone else -- that Zain was the sole owner of my heart.

And as he kissed me gently, slowly, his fingers quivering as he cupped my cheek, I couldn't help the tears. "Aisha, jaan, I'm sorry," he stuttered, panic vivid in his eyes. "What did I do? I thoug-"

I silenced him, bringing my hand around his neck as I pulled him close, kissing his lips mid-sentence. "I love you Zain," I whispered. "I love you so much."

He visibly relaxed, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he cupped my cheeks, kissing my forehead. "I love you Aisha," he murmured. "I always have, always will."

"Excuse me!"

We both jolted as someone pounded on the bathroom door. "Hold on!" Zain replied. Quickly, we threw our clothes back on, fixing ourselves and cleaning off the sink.

Zain opened the door, startling the lady who stood in front of us with a surprised and disgusted look on her face. "I'm sorry about the wait," Zain said politely. "My wife here just found out she's pregnant and the ride has been giving her motion sickness. I was just helping her out." The lie had came out so easily that even I almost believed him.

The lady instantly switched from being disgusted to delighted. "Oh my goodness, congratulations!" she said, beaming. "That's not a problem." She waved the matter off and we left, letting her use the bathroom.

Zain smirked at me, tugging me forward as he led me back to our cabin, as I blushed, resisting the urge to laugh.

"Where did all that come from?" I asked him after a moment, the two of us in our seats, his arm securely wrapped around my waist as I leaned against him.

Zain looked at me, a smile on his face. "It was always there, jaan," he answered. "I just...I couldn't stop thinking about...everything and before I knew it, I was pushing you back into the bathroom. All the pent up feelings needed to be released."

Tilting my head upwards, I captured his lips in a gentle kiss, my fingers brushing against the scruff on his cheek as he held me close, softly biting my lower lip.

"By the way," he murmured, a smirk tugging on his lips, "your sweater is inside out."

A/N: special thank you to secretfantasiesss for helping me with this chapter :)

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