Akaashi Keiji •∆• Coupons

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     (Gender Neutral)


     When you got home from school, you were engulfed into a large hug that nearly squeezed the insides out of you. With that one-and-only hug, you knew who the person was.

     "Good afternoon, Keiji~! How are you?" you asked, hugging Akaashi back which earned you a nuzzle in the neck from him. He hummed in response and you rolled your eyes playfully. He released you and stuffed his hand in his pocket. You noticed a small booklet inside it, too, catching your attention.

     "What's in your pocket?" He gave you a confused look, then realization smacked him. He grabbed the small colorful booklet from his pocket and handed it to you. You looked at it and read "Coupons." You questioned him and he flipped through all the pages in the book.

     "Bokuto-san said it would be fun if I gave this to you. It's a booklet of small coupons which you can give to me to do certain things. Some of them there's three or two, but some are only one. So use the ones that I only gave you one of carefully because you only get to use them one time then you can't use them again." he explained as you stared at the pages. You saw different coupons which said "Free Hug!" or ones that just say "Doing Laundry For A Week."

     You laughed, "Since when do you listen to that brainless owl?" But you hugged him once more and Akaashi rewarded you with a small smile that was planted on his lips. He hugged back and soon enough waved goodbye to you so he could go back to his volleyball practice. Just to think he skipped the first few exercises just to give you this small present.


     As you rode the bus to school the next morning, you flipped through the small handmade booklet to look for some good coupons to use for today. You giggled happily once you found one you can use during lunch that'll make you both incredibly happy.

     Getting off the bus, you saw Akaashi waiting for you so you both could walk the rest of the way to school together. You waved at him and he waved back with no emotion presented on his face, although you knew he was incredibly happy to see you. You walked to him and pecked him on the cheek then ripped out one of the coupons. You handed it to Akaashi and he smiled, shaking his head.

     "I knew you would pick this one today, [First Name]; you're too predictable sometimes, you know?"

      You smacked him on the back lightly then started your way to the school and couldn't wait for lunch. Every class felt like a whole day to you since you just couldn't wait for lunch and couldn't help but do everything but pay attention in your classes. Once the sound of the lunch bell rang through your ears, you quickly picked and gather up all of your belongings and ran downstairs to go outside and meet Akaashi.

     "aKAASHI!" an all-too-familiar voice boomed. You huffed and sat down under a tree with nice shade. You opened your bento and thanked, then started waiting for Akaashi.

      "Hey, [First Name]." said your favorite person. You smiled at him as he sat down next to you. "Are you ready?" he asked, picking up some chopsticks and grabbing some of your food. You did the same just with his food instead.



     "One!" you shouted as you and Akaashi fed each other your own meals. You sighed happily and hugged your boyfriend casually, almost spilling both of your food.

      "I can't wait to use some of the other coupons~!" you winked as you kissed his forehead, cheek, then lips. He smiled and kissed your lips.

     "I love you, too."


I'm Skyping my friend right now and he has no idea what the heck I'm doing right now XD God, I need a life (T ^ T)

Request Queue :

chokukun - Karasuno Preference

karasunohs - Bokuto Koutarou

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