Kenma Kozume •∆• Love Live

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     (Gender Neutral)


     You screamed in frustration, wanting to pull all of your hair out of your head right then and now. You tapped furiously on your phone, trying to get as many perfects as you could. But once you started seeing that one meter go down, you went berserk.

     "Why?! Just let me pass this one song!!" you scowled and turned your phone off, angrily plopping backwards on your boyfriend's bed and stuffing your face in his warm, fluffy pillow. You couldn't take the annoyance this game served with its pretty and talented anime girls that sang as you tapped different color bubbles. You cursed under your breath for Kuroo showing this damn addicting game to you, ruining your life even more.

     Soon enough, a blonde pudding-head entered the room filled with many different assortments of many video games. He stared at you with a blank expression, not knowing what the heck was going on with you. But thrn he heard faint mudic playing and adverted his gaze to your [Color] phone that is now laying on the floor. He walked up to it and picked it up, seeing a oranged-haired girl wearing a costume, one for idols. He turned his head back towards you. "[First Name]?"

     You let out a hum, only for it to come out muffled. You raised your arm lazily and flopped it back down on the bed.

     "Are you okay?" he asked, carefully sitting next to your body. "Did Kuroo do something?"

     A laughed escaped your lips and you finally looked up at the ceiling, glow-in-the-dark stars dotting the ceiling, "Hmm, yeah." Pointing st your phone, you huffed. "He showed me that evil game and now I can't get out of it!"

     "Love Live?" he questioned.

     You nodded your head frantically, [Hair Color] stands flying everywhere around your face.

     A small blush formed on his cheeks as he thought of Love Live. You sat up and stared at his face. To be more specific, you stared at his blush. "Kozume?"

     He looked away, embarrassed and cursed under his breath. The only thing you could make out was "That stupid low-life bed-head."

     Placing your hand on his shoulder, you kissed his cheek. "Are you okay?"

     He nodded while letting out a small sigh. You hugged his small body as he took in your warmth. He always loves when you hug him in times like this. He loves everything about you, as cliche as it sounds. He hugged back and placed a soft kiss on your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. You loved everything about him, too. You pat his back and nuzzled your head in his neck.

     I thought I was the one that was going to be comforted. But, I love this much better, you thought to yourself, still cuddling with the strategic setter. Anything like this is better. Well, maybe that one thing is much better.. Huh..

      While you had your own thoughts that clouded up your head, Kenma had some of his own in that little brain of his.

     They can't find out. They can't find out. They can't find out. They can't find out.

     You could tell something was really bothering him. You retreated from the hug and re-wrapped your arms around his torso. You stared into his cat-like eyes and put on the best serious face you could, only resulting in a small laugh.


     "You can't put on a serious face, [First Name]..."

     "S-shut up.."

     Please don't find out Kenma pleaded in his mind.


      "Kozume, do you need anymore help on your project?" you asked with a polite tone. The reason you had come here was to help Kenma with his [Favorite Subject] project -- plus it was another excuse for you to visit him.

     "No. But thank you, [Nickname]. You can go home. I have to fix a few things." he replied quietly. You inaudibly squealed at his cuteness and made it out of the house before you rolled on the floor with excitment.

     He sighed in relief once he heard the front door close shut. He silently tip-toed to his closet and opened it carefully, hoping to not make a sound. He glazed his eyes of the things kept inside the storage unit. He smiled to himself once he found what he was looking for. He grabbed it and jumped onto his bed, snuggling with the object he found.

     "Nico, Nico..!" he cheered and whispered.

     The only thing that he didn't know what that you had a backup phone if something happened to your current one; or just if you wanted to use it for other things. And this was the time. You were gasping as you saw Kenma cuddle with the pillow, realizing it was Nico from Love Live!

     You checked to make sure you were muted and recorded the whole thing, with you screaming in your [Favorite Anime] pillow.

     "No wonder he was so nervous when he saw me playing Love Live!!"


If you were wondering, yes this was a headcannon. I give credit to whoever the headcannon belongs to. I didn't know what else to put about Love Live! so I put this.

Request Queue :

karasunohs - Many, many requests that I'm happy to do

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