Kuroo Testurou •∆• Kiss Currency

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     (Female Reader)
     (This was inspired by Smosh's Kiss Currency video! Credit goes to them!)


     You walked into the Nekoma gym, eyes stuck on your figure. You looked around and all the heads turned away from you before stepping inside the gym. You shrugged to yourself and closed the huge metal doors. Your shoes clicked against the floors and they echoed throughout the entire room, filling that air amd capturing many boys' attention.

     "Oikawa-senpai is here..." a boy whispered. You turned your attention to them and smiled brightly, making the boy's emotions go wild and his cheeks flare up in red. "U-um.. H-hello, Oi-Oikawa-senpai!"

     You presented a closed-eye smile, "Hello, Haruto-san!"

     "Hey, babe!" a familar voice called. Haruto shivered and fear and quickly ran away out the door. You stared at the spot he was in when you opened your eyes from the amazing smile you show. You questioned where he could of gone but just brushed it off your shoulders.

     "Hey, Testu!" you grinned, trying to capture your boyfriend in a hug, but just fell flat on your face, causing gasps to surround the air in the gymnasium. "O-ow.." You got up and brushed your skirt off from the dust that floated around and looked at Kuroo sadly. "What was that for?"

     "You need to pay up for hugs, [First Name]." he said, a smirk tugged on his lips and you can just imagine if he had ears, that they would be twitching in excitment.

     You looked up at him, clueless. "Eh? I have to pay you to let you be my boyfriend?" Tears brimmed the edges of your eyes, but Kuroo just brushed them away with a small smile.

     "Not exactly. You have to give me kisses as payment~"

     You pouted at him and clutched his chest sadly. "You're such a meanie, you know."

     He pulled you into a long, loving kiss. You happily kissed back and ruffled his black tresses. You both stopped and looked at him again. "So, is that a good payment?"

     "Hmm, let me think about it," he looked up at the roof and then back down at you. "Nope." he dipped you down and kissed you passionately again.

     "No kidding, Kenma. She's just like her brother." Yaku retored.

     The door opened abruptly and a voice echoed throughout the gym. "Yahoo, []-chan~!" The aura in the air turned dark.

     "Oh, Nii-chan!"


I still have no idea what I'm doing right now

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