May 2nd, 1982

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Dear Diary,

I have school today!... No yay. I hate school. I have bullies and they bully me. And it isn't fair. I didn't do anything to them? I never made fun of them? What did I ever do? I don't know... But the only thing I am ever happy about, is that Lazari goes to the same school with me! She always protects me from those big mean bad bullies!

PS. I am bringing my diary to school with me! So excited to write in here again when I get there!

Hi again! I'm at school now. It's lunch time so I can write. Anyways, how did my day go so far?... Very bad. The bullies picked on me again. Why are they bullying me, they're in like grade 8 or something? Can't they not bully each other? I'm only 9 years old... Life isn't fair a lot. But don't worry, Lazari told them to... (It's a bad word) Piss off! They obeyed?! I'm so lucky to have Lazari! Without her... Who would I be??

That's enough from me today, talk to ya tomorrow!


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