June 28th, 1982

872 40 6

Dear Diary,

You won't BELIEVE who I found, Diary... Remember Lazari? Well she didn't move away... She was ALSO taken in by the Slenderman, and is now here with me in this mansion! I'm soooo happy that I'm reunited with Lazari! I thought I'd never see her again...

Also, it turns out that me and Lazari are BOTH Creepypastas now! I'm so happy! I'm also far, far, away from the bullies, Slenderman told me. And my mom, and most importantly: Zalgo. I'm super duper truper happy! Finally, life has turned around for me. I'll write again here soon! I got lots of this "Creepypasta" and "Proxy" stuff to catch up on first!

P.S. Only if I could get my eyes back, though...


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