May 31st, 1982

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Dear Diary,

Today, today... It was very different... Kind of scary too... I'll start from the beginning: So when the bullies beat me up, and left me lying on the ground without help, a strange man appeared to me... He was black and red, and had eyes all over his body.

"Hello, Lucille..." He said to me. "I see you've got yourself some bullies?" He held out his hand and tried to pick me up. I was terrified, but tempted. I thought I would burn if I touched him, he looked like he was made out of lava and fire!

His hand was gentle. I managed to stand up and somehow walk. "The name's Zalgo." He said to me. "I-I'm Lulu..." I said. "Haha... I know." He then held up a mirror in front of me "Look at yourself, Lucille..." "No..." I kept repeating. "I don't want to see my hideous bruises and cuts." I shielded my eyes.

He grabbed my hands and showed me my body. "You're free of the scars, now..." Zalgo smiled to me. I smiled back. "Will... You be my friend?" I got excited. "I lost all my friends, and I'm so very lonely and hurt." Zalgo laughed and said "Of course, Lucille! Whatever makes you happy..."

Then Zalgo walked me home. "Zalgo... Will you protect me from those bullies? And comfort me? Please?" I started to cry a little. "Anything for you, Lucille." He smiled from ear to ear this time. I smiled too. By that moment on, I knew he was going to be my best friend ever.


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