August 18th, 1982

701 32 2

Dear Diary,

GREAT NEWS!!... Sorta. We found Lazari outside of the mansion today. Well, Jeff found her. He was walking through the forest and saw her laying on the ground. So Jeff brought her back to the mansion. At the moment, she's sitting on the couch and won't stop repeating "Stop... Don't get hungry... I don't want to be a monster..."

To be honest, it's pretty annoying... But scary at the same time. But Lazari looks different now that she's come back. It's almost like she's transforming back to a human now, but very slowly. She looks a lot better now, I guess you could say. She's definitely shrunk now, but still has the horns, and freaky hands.

I'm hoping everything will eventually get better for Lazari...


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