May 13th, 1982

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Dear Diary,

Today was the WORST. DAY. EVER! Even worse then Nana's death! The bullies, they beat me! Usually they just pick on me, but... They hit me, slapped me, kicked me until I was laying on the ground crying and begging for them to stop. Blood. Was. Everywhere. I was in a pool of my own blood, and they left me in it. I cried for hours, waiting for someone, ANYONE, to find me out in the playground.

Then finally, a teacher that was actually very nice to me came, gave me a towel and some food and juice to drink. She comforted me and told me those bullies shouldn't do ANYTHING like that to me again. I hugged her, she really deserved it... She was the nicest human being I ever met.

Then I cried on her shoulder, and she patted my back and told me everything will be okay.

PS. She's just like my Nana... I love her so much.


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