June 18th, 1982

922 41 6

Dear Diary,

Today Zalgo told me he knew how to stop the bullies from bullying me. I trusted him, and so we made a deal. "Lucille, let's make a deal. If you give me your eyes, I will stop the bullies from picking on you. So, do we have a deal?" Zalgo asked me, holding out his hand.

"Umm... Ok... Anything to get rid of those stupid bullies!" I replied. "Marvellous..." Zalgo laughed. "Now hold still, Lucille. This probably won't hurt." He then grabbed my head so I couldn't move, and then he ripped out my eyeballs!

It was quick and painless, but all I could see was blackness. "All better?" Zalgo asked me. "I-I can't see though..." I said as I tripped and fell. "Haha! That's the point, Lucille... The bullies can't bother you if you can't see them!" From that moment on, he vanished and I didn't even know.

PS. My favourite nice teacher (actually named Mrs. Cloe) is writing this for me...


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