July 25th, 1982

787 42 10

Dear Diary,

Oh goodness, where do I begin...

I guess I can say that bad things are happening to Lazari right now. Slenderman can't fix it. Jeff can't fix it. I can't fix it... She's also having problems with Zalgo. But Lazari told me that Zalgo is her daddy. But... How? Zalgo is such a bad guy... He can't be Lazari's daddy!!

Anyways, I'm just really worried about Lazari. Because... She grew horns, her hair became red and super long. Then she grew gigantic! And she kept screaming at Slenderman to fix it. Slenderman thought she hit puberty!... Whatever that means?

But Lazari became really stressed at everyone and ran away to go be with her "Daddy." I'm really going to miss Lazari, I hope she comes back soon. And I also hope Zalgo will at LEAST be nice to Lazari...


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