Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Elizabeth never went back to bed for fear of the menace that stalked her in her dreams. Instead she went down to the stables to tend the horses just as she had done most every morning since she was eight years old. The Robinson brothers had been keen equestrians even as children and they had inherited the stables upon their father’s death before Elizabeth was even born.

Jodie, Elizabeth’s mother, had devoted much of her spare time into developing her children’s horsemanship and with some success, measured in numerous awards, rosettes and trophies. Elizabeth had instantly shown natural aptitude and soon became known to the local community. It had become an expectation that she would be in the top three at almost any event.

Ben had his successes too but he was more drawn to his sword fencing and once introduced to kart racing and motorcycles by his father Ralph, had only one ambition. Formula One Grand Prix!

Tending the horses was no task for Elizabeth it was an act of pure love that gave her peace and satisfaction. George and Jillie had decided to keep the horses after the accident in memory of the children’s parents and as comfort and distraction for them. To Elizabeth she still had a complete family in them and she looked fondly at her charges. There was her father’s magnificent black stallion, like him ‘Knight’ was a risk taker, focussed and independent.

“You are he” she whispered in his ear and Knight nuzzled her seeming to sense her thoughts. Then there was ‘Ellie’ a gentle, dependable and loving Bay.

“Just like Mother” Elizabeth concluded and hugged her neck causing Ellie to whinny and shake her elegant head.

Then there were the young mare and stallion born of them, almost cloned to look at and in their nature. Elizabeth remembered how she and Ben had been given the enormous honour of naming them.

“A very important responsibility” she had told young Ben “they will be blessed or cursed with the names we give them for all of their lives, we must choose well.”

Elizabeth had named the mare ‘Beauty’ after much thought and had to discourage Ben from choosing names such as ‘Megatron’ and ‘Terminator’. Eventually he settled on ‘Laser’ which was about as much as she could have hoped for really.

Elizabeth took some apple slices and tempted them over.

“And you are us and all that could have been my darlings” a tear ran down Elizabeth’s cheek at the family comparison and she wiped it away with the back of her hand.

Elizabeth led Beauty to the stables. She tacked her up, paying great attention to every detail. All the kit had been meticulously prepared as if ready to show, such was Elizabeth’s total devotion to Beauty. She mounted in one fluid move and trotted her out of the yard towards the bridle path that led down to the canal. Elizabeth was wearing her well pressed jodhpurs and riding jacket, looking every inch the consummate equestrienne.

It was almost a twenty minute canter down to the canal. Elizabeth did this route when she was feeling sad. It took her past the bend in the road where the fatal accident had taken place and it helped her to come to terms with the finality of it all. As she had done so many times before she stopped by the water’s edge and dismounted setting Beauty free to graze while she collected her thoughts. It was normal at this point that her emotions would well up inside of her and she would find release in the tears that followed. To Elizabeth’s surprise the tears never came, just that same feeling of total calm and serenity that she had felt when she had woken on the floor in front of the old ornate mirror.


It was three o’clock Saturday afternoon, the week following David Williams’ remembrance service. Elizabeth had done her duties at the stables but today she had treated herself to an exhilarating hours gallop with Beauty along the Ridge, a scenic bridle path overlooking the Robinson’s stables.

The thrill had gone some way to relieving the sadness that was in her soul since the death of Mr Williams. Elizabeth’s face was still flushed with the exertion of it as she and Ben stood in front of the old mirror. Uncle George and Aunt Jillie had gone out for the afternoon so they had the house to themselves. They were both charged with a heady cocktail of fear and excitement and it was Ben who took the lead.

“Mum said that you would know what to do Lizzie.”

“But I don’t Ben, I’ve no idea.”

Elizabeth touched the mirror gently and traced her reflection with her finger. She pressed harder and harder until she feared that the glass might break.

“It’s solid Ben and all I see in it is us.”

Ben started to feel around the frame, his hands were exploring the scrolls and features but there was nothing strange except that there wasn’t even the slightest speck of dust in the nooks and crannies of the beautiful frame.

“Nothing could possibly be this clean and your fingers haven’t even left the slightest grease print on the glass Lizzie.”

Elizabeth leaned forwards and breathed out heavily on the mirror.

“It doesn’t mist either Ben.”

Ben was trying desperately to summon the logic that he had gained through the numerous scientific experiments he had excelled in at school.

“So we need to know what the difference was when we had our experiences compared to now, then we will have the key.”

“What we had in common Ben!” Elizabeth exclaimed it was all coming together in her head “That’s it! We were both highly emotional at the time that’s the key Ben, our emotions. You were really happy and I was really sad. It has to be that.”

Ben nodded in agreement and Elizabeth continued.

“OK let’s try happy Ben. I’m going to try to fill my head with the joy that I felt this morning galloping Beauty along the Ridge, you try reliving the Cup Final and how it felt to win.”

They closed their eyes and let the memories and feelings come rushing back to them and their relaxed happy faces looked just like the cherubs looking down on them from the mirror’s frame. Elizabeth placed her hand on the mirror and it responded to her touch. It started as a light vibration increasing in intensity until the surface of the mirror felt fluid but it still resisted her.

“It’s not enough Ben we need to do this together take my hand.” It was intuitive.

Ben took Elizabeth’s hand with complete faith. The mirror simply melted away and they walked through it.”


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