Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

They were stood in front of the old mirror. Elizabeth noticed that Ben was looking unusually smart, his hair was brushed and gelled and he was even wearing his best Nike trainers. “Smitten” she thought and saw Ben flush with embarrassment. She smiled realising that he had clearly read her thoughts and she knew that from now on there could be no secrets between them. They held hands instinctively and walked confidently into the mirror.

They found May still asleep by the tree just as they had left her, perfectly concealed in her camouflage. Her bejewelled skin had mutated into blades of grass and only the gentle rise and fall of her chest gave her away. They watched for some minutes both in awe and in fear of waking her, knowing that yesterday’s performance had exhausted her so.

As they watched a transformation came over her, the lush skin of grass turned to thousands of green emeralds that shone brilliantly in the sunlight and she opened those beautiful blue smiling eyes.

“Hello my friends” she cooed “have you rested well?” May stretched out her long limbs like a cat awaking from a deep sleep.

“Yes thanks.” Elizabeth returned her welcoming smile “Whatever you did to us put us to sleep for 24 hours and I had the most amazing dreams.”

“Me too” reinforced Ben “they were literally out of this world!”

May was clearly pleased about what they had said and her smile broadened, dimpling her emerald crusted cheeks.

“Those were not dreams, it was your brains trying to make sense of all the information that I have given you and then filing it in logical order. The dreams will go on for many weeks and you will discover things about yourselves that will truly amaze you.”

“We already have!” enthused Elizabeth “This morning I could play the piano like a maestro with no music it was awesome.”

“Yes and we can read each other’s minds too!” Ben added proudly. Elizabeth could see from his awkward body language that he was besotted with this exotic young lady and noted too, as women seem to be able to, that May was finding that intriguing.

“Ah so it has started, that’s good you will need to discover all the skills that I have taught you if you are to have a chance against the Shados. They have been waiting patiently for you and now they will come. You can be sure of that, they will come.”

“So we are in real danger then May, will we know who from?” Ben was trying to be matter of fact but the wobble in his voice gave away his fear and May picked it up.

“It’s entirely natural to be afraid of the unknown Ben and I would be deeply worried if you were not. Without fear there is complacency and complacency can be fatal.”

May’s words were well chosen and Ben no longer felt foolish or inadequate but emboldened and positive. It was only for a split second but he sensed that this creature could affect his feelings in whatever way she chose. May averted her gaze from him suddenly as if in guilt and Ben now knew for sure that she could. She created the diversion that she needed to distract from the fact that she was listening in to Ben’s private thoughts.

“Come with me to the corridor of mirrors and I will explain all that you need to know for now but by voice this time. It may take some time yet before your brains have organised themselves enough for you to access the information that I’ve given you. There are some things that you must know immediately to protect yourselves from the Shados, as they will already know that you are maturing.”

‘Protect themselves from the Shados?’ It was a daunting and surreal thought. Elizabeth and Ben exchanged nervous glances.

May took their hands and walked between them towards the corridor of mirrors. She was a vision, petite with an appealing mixture of woman and child. Ben couldn’t take his eyes off her, he could feel his heart beating in his chest and he felt clumsy and confused. Elizabeth could sense it all and it confirmed her earlier suspicions, standard symptoms of a huge crush and she smiled knowingly at him. Ben averted his eyes and flushed red, much to Elizabeth’s delight.

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