Things You Didn't Know (and probably didn't ask to know)

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But, how else do I reward kind readers that wish me well? Through random trivia, of course.

Have some behind-the-scenes (behind the keyboard?) facts about the book which had an angel that didn't know what a dick is.

1. The author doesn't know how to pronounce Aceline.
I did my research on names that had some meaning. I found it in a website, and it means noble. Considering that I'm writing a book and not stage directing, I didn't think my ignorance would be a problem. Until someone asked.

2. I envisioned Mary as a butch lesbian.
If you think the "only" way I portrayed her as such was the fact that Aceline mentioned 'usual varsity jacket,' you'd probably want to punch my icon, because that's not even great butch representation (literally anyone can wear that. Big deal). But I didn't intend at all to physically describe she's a butch. I liked imaginations to work and fill in empty spaces. Think of her as anyone. There's a reason I don't fill out the cast. I give you the bread, put whatever jam you want. A lesbian jam.

3. I named the guy 'Rick' because...
It's the gayest name I know. Sorry. I know any name could be... Gay-fied. But Rick had been a gay lord in the early 16 BC and he had properly established as a homo through the ages. And plus, it rhymes with something he loves.

4. The book is a growing person.
Not really. What I mean is I like reviewing my completed works and editing. If you've finished this book, try scrolling around the previous chapters. Things shifted few inches to the left.

5. Lord Mint, the tiny mewmew, was an accident.
He had absolutely no contribution to the plot. I was in the middle of the street scene and I thought, hey. Put a cat. Megan nearly getting hit by the car was just an adjustment. But hey. Cats. You know. Why not.

6. This isn't necessarily set in the US.
Understanding that Wattpad is an international community of people who have Internet and time to waste in smut, having a school system specific to mine in my country might confuse people (someone got confused when I used 'comfort room' because that's what we call restrooms. No trouble). I stuck with what people were familiar with. Buses. Lockers. Detentions. Bullies. An annoying old teacher.

7. Emily totes wasn't meant to be lesbian.
It just happened. She was just meant to be a 'changed woman' who gets super friendly with Megan and gets Aceline jealous. But just like Lord Mint, I thought "hey. Why not a lesbian." 

8. Minorities are priorities.
Minority itself is a cruel word. Even in the LGBT+ literature, not a lot talks about the bisexuals, pansexuals, trans*, the asexuals... So on. A lot is focused on the homosexuals. The Homosexual Angel is my first LGBT+ book, but I've tried to insert diverse characters (as seen at the lunch table). Given time to research properly, I'll write more for the less.
*if you identify with any denomination mentioned above and you'd like me to write a book that you can identify with, let's have a chat. I'd like to know what is and what's not.

9. The original title was 'God Hates Gays.'
If you'd notice, the pilot chapter of any Wattpad book is named after the book title (unless, the Wattpad people have changed that), which is why the very first chapter was God Hates Gays. I wanted that, because I hoped it would reel in people who wanted to argue/ people who agreed, and they'd all be surprised with the plot. But then I thought it might offend people away from reading at all.

10. Sometimes I think the book didn't garner as much attention as people wished it did, because it doesn't have a sex scene.
I think about that too sometimes. A lot of books labeled 'lesbian' has, or is primarily about, sex scenes. Weird thing about them is that they're written by men, straight women who've never been with another woman, or 13 year olds trying to make a statement. You'll know that because. Well. We recognize our angsty preteen phase. (Disclaimer: not all. But these I've mentioned exist here, I just don't know the stats. And hey, age can't trap a writer. I think you understand what I mean about young people talking about things they don't fully grasp. Remember when you insisted you could care for a puppy at age 5?)

Moving along, my Pokedex of sexual experiences (Pokesex?) isn't lengthy. I can't write about sex because I'd be weirder than an angsty preteen. It'll just be all fantasy that guides the reader's hands into their pants, but that's not all I deem important. I'm not ranting; I'm just merely explaining my theory when you respectfully tell me that you wished this was popular. Got another theory? I'd love to know.

11. As Ken was a male version of Megan, Jake was the male version of Aceline.
That's how I envisioned them.

Questions about the book and characters will be answered if you'd comment them in :)

The Homosexual Angel (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now