The Angel Falls A Third Time

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<Megan's P.O.V>

Saturday morning, I thought to myself as I stretched around and petted Lord Mint on the head, waking him up. Just last night, I finally found out Lord Mint is really an actual male, and that I can't sleep in my car anymore. People were beginning to notice how stressed I look in the morning, so last night when Dad thought I was away, I snuck into my bedroom through the window and fell asleep.

I tried to open my eyes, but I forgot to close the window, so the sunlight came in so strong, it was a little blinding. Shit, what time is it, 7 a.m, and it's this bright already? Ugh.

Most kids would time-travel to skip school and make it to the weekends, but as for me, my weekends generally suck. I mean... I would be happy to go out and spend some time with my mother in the hospital, but I highly doubt Aceline would really fulfill her promise (she didn't even ask for my address), and Dad has already grounded me, so I'm stuck here for two whole days... and I've never been with the same person in the same building for more than an hour, so this was going to get into my bones very soon. Of all sorts of detention, this has got to be the worst.

Hm, this won't get into my bones, if I pretend I can't see him, right?

I jumped out of the bed, waking up Lord Mint, and went into my rest room. I grabbed my comb and untangled my hair, resuming the flowing glory of its jet-blackness. I washed my face and hit the toilet... then I left for the stairs.

But before I went downstairs, I looked around through the railings. The kitchen looked clear, save for the empty bottles of beer and cigarette butts lying around the counter. The living room proved to be empty as well- haha, maybe Dad isn't around after all. I can survive this day.

And then, there was a knock on the front door, and I heard footsteps.

Dad came out from the bathroom downstairs, and a part of me was a bit disappointed that he was, in fact, inside the house. He washed his hands and opened the door to find....

Aceline? Aceline's at my front door, with exercise clothes? How did she find my house? Did she come for the deal?

Her tied-up blonde hair and bright smile made a good thing to see in a gloomy house in a Saturday morning. It somewhat dimmed out a bit when my father opened up the door and stared her down, the same way he'd stare me down when I didn't know how to resist him. Her face looked a little surprised at my father's get-up- a stained white, sleeveless shirt and red shorts, complete with his official scent.... Philip Morris, the cigarette. Trust me; this is not how you would like your father and classmate to meet.

I honestly felt like jumping off the stairs, running out to the both of them, and shoving my father back into a closet and lock him up, because he looked so much like a monster, it was fucking embarrassing.

"Good morning, Mister-"

"What do you want?" Dad cut Aceline short, and she frowned for one second. Then, the shine was back, somehow.

"Is Megan home, Sir? I'm Aceline Anderson, her classmate." She held her hand out for a shake, but my father looked at it as if she was handing out a gun for him to kill himself. Surely- I never brought home friends who were as polite as Aceline. Fuck, I didn't even bring her home... which doubled Dad's curiosity.

He reluctantly shook it, which was a bit different from what I thought he'd do. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, trying to perhaps intimidate her for whatever-fucking-reason there is.

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