Double Rejection

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I woke up in something that looks like a hallway. I sat up from where I was laying down, checked my head for any injuries (now that I'm human, I'm prone to fractures or something) and looked around- the ground was marble of uneven surface, and the "bench" I was on was a bigger lump of rectangular marble attached to the floor. Everything is sort of foggy, and everything has a shade of red. The other side of the wall was doors, lots of doors, with no labels to them. Their knockers looked like scary faces with horns and sinister smiles. I looked to the left and right, and I don't see any end to this hallway, but more rooms. But there were also rooms on my side of the wall. I'm still naked; but I don't think it really matters so much. Why am I taken here? Am I not supposed to be thrown into Lucifer's boiling kettle or something similar?

I stood up, dragging my fingers across my tangled blonde hair, feeling a little uncomfortable. I am banned from the place I considered home, I am no longer an angel- something I was so used to being, and I have no idea what will happen to me now.

Nobody is around, but I feel heavily guarded. The need for me to know what's going on drove me into walking up to the nearest door in front of me, and I lifted the knocker up, and gave it a gentle thud. I heard voices. The sort that gave me fear after a long time. They evolved from paranoid whispering to desperate, blood-curling screams of either a man or woman... It was uncertain. But, defiantly shaking.

I backed away, my body turned tensed. The screaming ended in a clean, dead stop.

Was it a doorbell, or something?

The door cracked ajar, just a little to reveal absolute darkness on the other side.

Something in me pushed myself to go check it out. I hesitantly did.

I pushed the door a little more and found a hanging lamp, and it was swaying around a little, spilling light to ranged areas of the room. There was a wooden chair under it, and it was empty. I can't make out anything in this darkness, just the lamp and the chair.

I definitely don't want to come any further inside, I clutched onto the door, my nails probably digging in. But what is this room for?

Red eyes opened on the other side of the chair. And then, a wrinkled, bleeding hand with long nails rested on the chair, as if beckoning me to sit on it. I stood on my spot, silently answering 'no'. It pushed the chair a little forward, asking me again. I stayed still.

It grunted, and it sounded like a woman's voice. As I attempted to turn, leave, and maybe talk to someone who was less threatening, I saw a human's soul glide through the door, entering the room. I've seen human souls before; of course, I worked in Heaven. He looked like a living man, but it was just a greyish silhouette that was transparent. You can't tell the person's age, race or physical features at all. All you know is that this was one was male.

It sat down on the chair, and the hand I saw earlier clutched onto him by the shoulders, nails digging onto his being, like knife meets warm butter. He screamed, like the same scream I heard earlier. Suddenly, a silver screen appeared on the wall, and the chair was turned to that direction, as if giving a movie-showing.

It played a scene of a teenage girl, scratching the windows of a car, trying to dig out, as a man inside with her attempted to take off her pants. There was muffled screaming, until he dragged her down with him and he got on top.

The film turned static, and the silver screen disappeared, dissolving into darkness.

"Do you recognize her?" A throaty voice asked.

"No... no I don't...." the man cried.

"LIAR!!!" she screamed, and it was so loud and so throaty, I instantly shook in fear. I got pushed backwards by an invisible force, sending me off flying to the wall and the door slammed shut.

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