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Chapter 18—Finally

<Megan's P.O.V>

Time Lapse: After the school year ended

               The school year ended smoothly- I was able to join the varsity for soccer, and competed. And fuck yes did I win. I won hard.

               My parents are just fine, and the house was beginning to look like a home. I get more and more excited to come home every day, knowing nobody's going to the hospital or something. I just feel very safe now, like I never felt safe before.

               People in school are no longer bitches towards me. As a matter of fact, people have been approaching me to help out in their personal issues. They trust me, that's enough said.

               And then there's Aceline... God do I want to keep her. She's been the catalyst of it all. I have never met anyone more convicting to stick to me and see that I'm alright. I never imagined myself putting up with anyone else the way I do with her. The thought of that is just breath-taking.

               I know I told her that 'we'll just see how it goes' when we decided to date After everything, I've seen how it went. We've reached places, and we're built for the long-run.

               So after the after-school party, I persuaded her to the soccer field of the school. I asked Jake and the other guys to make sure nobody is in the area to spoil the fun.

               It didn't take her long to be convinced, so we went out and just sat on the decked chairs and watched the dark night sky and the stars. It wasn't that much to look at, and this field isn't a lot like a great venue. But the silence and our closeness to each other was making me smile too much.

               "I'm really glad we made it through the year," she broke the ice first, because I was too chicken-shit to do so.

               "Yeah. Who would've known that lost girl in the comfort room would be so important to me?" We ended up laughing, and the ice was thawing.

               "You're important to me, Megan. I hope you know that." She says, almost in a whisper.

               The other kids back inside the campus began shouting, and I smelled something on fire. When teens are left to party, staying out of the building is always a great idea.

               Before I was about to speak, something brightened the night sky, and it was fireworks.

               Fucking fireworks, how cliché.

               Aceline watched in awe the colors in the sky, and I just sat and watched her in awe.

               "Listen, Ace," I turned serious, despite watching someone get tissue get stuck in his pants walk pass the soccer field entrance.

               Aceline obediently turns to face me, ignoring the fireworks. For a second, I thought I was more important than fireworks. Or maybe, just more needy for attention.

               She gives me her full attention, and this is how I know this is the right time.

               "When I asked that we dated to know what we were feeling, I knew we just liked each other. But I had no idea we'd get this far. We more than like each other, Aceline. And I know there are more troubles to come but-"



               "I feel it too. It's the strong pounding against my chest whenever we meet. It's that anxiety when we're not together. It's that itch when someone else is next to you. It's the unbearable need to make sure we're both okay."

               "It's probably love."

               She gave a soft chuckle, and a smile.

               "Probably is."

               Our faces neared in the darkness of the night as the fireworks display ended.

               Time to feel our own fireworks.







I'd liek to extend my thanks to all those who *actually* stood by this story, despite the tardiness in updates and the strange turn of events. May it teach us to stand for the right things, even if it means standing alone. 

Yes, it has come to an end. I find the last chapters too short, compared to what I made you guys used to. But hey, it needed to end, and so it did :)

I really enjoyed writing for you guys! Please do comment about your favorite scenes/chapters, favorite characters, or pretty much anything at all.

Hoisting the rainbow flag, I am signing off.

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