What is This?

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<Aceline’s P.O.V>


            These past weeks, I have been hanging out with more friends who all seem really nice, and it’s funny to think that I know most of their personal stories because… well, I can’t forget my past job.

            And since yesterday, I have been thinking of Megan nonstop, and it feels so strange! I have never thought of anyone that much in a day, and it was scaring me. What’s even worse is the thought of her finding out about all this. We have developed to really close friends, but what if one silly move, and she’ll avoid me forever?

            Megan is a great soccer player, and I’m not. She is a great artist, I’m not. She’s expressive about what she feels or thinks is right, I try to be refined and keep my thoughts to myself. She’s the sort of person to find fun and adventure at wee hours after school, and I immediately head home and study for the next exam.

            We’re a little too different. But if I could tell she thinks the same way about me, I’ll promise I could make it work…. But that’s the problem- I can’t tell if she thinks the same way.

            On a side note, I never thought I could be gay. I mean, I have been supporting any relationship aside from heterosexual ones, but I never thought I was one of the people I have helped. But do labels matter?

            If Megan was gay, I have a feeling she’ll like Emily more… considering the fact Emily claims to be gay, and they’ve been really close lately. Or if she was straight, she might like that Jake guy more, since they hang out a lot after school.

            I clearly have no place for her, the way she has for me.

            And with the fact that Heaven is trying to separate same-sex couples now that I am gone, I really don’t think I stand a chance for Megan….

            I think it’s best to avoid her for a bit. Just a bit, until my feelings for her would subside.

            I arrived at school, then again, I have spotted Megan talking to Emily near the lockers. The black-haired lady saw me and waved, and I just smiled and made my way to first period, almost ignoring even Angie and Mary, which was unnecessary.

            As I climbed up the stairs, I heard footsteps behind me, and then a hand on my shoulder.

            “Hey, morning!” It was Megan, and the sight of her made me smile to myself, but I knew it was wrong to do so.

            “Oh hi,” I said in a whisper, to mask my excitement in seeing her.

            “What’s wrong, are you sleepy or something?” she asked, and I tried to speak up, but then another set of footsteps were heading towards us, going downstairs.

            I think that was the guy named Jake, the dirty-blonde haired student who was a year older than I and Megan.

            “Megan!” He greeted, and their hands met in a handshake.

            “Hey, after class, Julius has a new ride, and he’s offering his buddies for the first ride. Want to join? I’m inviting you.” Jake stood right in front of Megan, blocking her way from walking with me upstairs. I grunted to myself, why does he have to block her way?

            If I stayed to listen, that would make me look nosy. So I walked ahead upstairs.

            “Yeah, yeah! Sure, thanks, Jake.” Megan answered, and I did expect that. But that wasn’t what I hoped.

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