School is Like Hell with A Bunch of Kids

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When it was safe for me to leave the bus, I thanked the driver and jumped off. And just when I jumped off, I sensed that I was about to fall into a mud puddle. I extended my foot to a pebble before I got submerged, and I managed to balance on one foot for few seconds, before skipping off it, causing me to bump into a guy with a red hoodie and drooping pants exposing his... 'thing'. Oh, so can I do that too?

"Hey, watch it, hoe!" He hollered as he shouldered me off him. "So sorry!" I exclaimed. He probably didn't hear me- he went on walking. At least, I'm on cemented ground. But before I could enter the doors, I had to fight my way in this morning crowd....

HA. Eventually, after getting bumped into or pushed by people bigger (and ruder than me, not to mention), I was closer to the school doors. When I entered, there were men dressed in formal suits coming my way.

"Good morning, I'm Ted," the one with nice teeth asked.

"Hi Ted."

"What, you a freshman here?" the man beside him asked. I nodded.

The third man, who happened to be the tallest, scanned through his held deck of papers. After a few seconds, a football hit his head, causing him to grunt and spill the papers on the shiny floor.

"Screw you, Jack!" The man screamed at the top of his lungs, probably meaning the guy who threw the ball at him. The suspect replied with laughter.

I dove into the floor to help Ted and the other guy gather the papers. It wasn't that easy though- there were a lot of papers and some kids were mean enough to walk over some, causing the papers to stick to their shoes... forcing me to chase after them sometimes.

After a few seconds, I found something that seemed legit.

It was a piece of paper that said 'Freshmen Schedules'.

I held the paper in front of the tall guy and he smiled. "Is this what you wanted to give me?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah, that's going to be your schedule guide throughout the year. Unless, of course, one of the teachers dies in a car crash or something," the three guys began to laugh. I stood silently.

"Thanks," I said, as I trudged over to a safe corner to read what the paper says.

There are gridlines, written in each were the classroom numbers and subjects, and the teachers handling them too.

"Okay," I murmured to myself. Then, I noticed students opening up metal closets called 'lockers' and dumping their things in them. Curious, went over to one girl with green dyed hair and asked- "Do you know where's my locker at, friend?"

She turned around and squinted sharply at me. "Fuck off, friend," she replied with much sarcasm. She went the other way, leaving me speechless.

I'm not ignorant to how foul people could act, but to think that I'll have to deal with these sorts of things everyday made me snort in mock amusement.

Great. Just great.

But I have no regrets.

I looked over my piece of paper again-

Science--Room No. 52-- Mr. Conan.

And then, the bell rang loudly, causing the students to get annoyed, and they walked on to their individual rooms. "Uh, excuse me, where's Room 52?" I asked around, but nobody bade me notice. I didn't want to force anyone to answer me; I don't think I need another green-haired girl to flip me off.

I walked around, trying to find that room number. As I went about, I tried to follow some kids that looked my age. If there's any luck, we might be classmates, and they might be on their way to the same room. But eventually, following all the students made me end up on the other side of the building, where the cafeteria and the rest rooms were.

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