Don't Judge Early

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First period was over, and the bell rang. Everyone rushed out of the door to head to the next room, which in my schedule, was English.

I stood up last, since I was waiting on Megan to get up too... She slept all throughout the discussion.

I wanted to try and get to know her better; and find out why she attempted to cut classes. She finally budged from napping. I grabbed the bag I had hung behind my chair and I quickly stood up in sync with her standing up, too.

I was about to say something, but she grabbed her pack and darted out of the room.

The second period classroom was on the left wing, but she went to the right wing.

She's probably going to cut class now, I thought to myself. My head shook in disappointment and in sheer wonder.

The next set of students was swarming in, so I had to leave for my own class.

On my way to Room 53 (it was just the next room, so I don't need aid in finding it), a pile of kids were staring at a taped piece of paper on the wall. Some grabbed pens and began signing something. Ted, the kid from earlier, now wearing casual shirt and jeans, found me from the pile of kids and walked over to me.

"Hey newbie, try signing up for a club or something," he advised, motioning to the taped paper. "Is it necessary that I do?" I asked.

"For grades- yeah. And you'd be the only kid not in the club if you don't," he says. He then left for his next classroom. For the grades and to fit in, those seemed like enough reasons to join something. I took a pen from my pocket and looked up the taped paper.

There were glee clubs, dance clubs, culinary clubs, and sport clubs, divided into basketball and soccer, and many other sorts of clubs.

A little peek from everyone else revealed that most were going to join the acting clubs- because Ken is joining it, most girls squealed at me. I don't even know who Ken is, but okay fine, I might give it a go.

Something pushed me a bit, and I looked to my right to find Megan with her face still looking like she just woke up from her nap. She looked up the taped paper, and asked if she could borrow my pen. Well, that's the least I could do for the bother I have caused her, right? I lent her my pen.

She wrote her name on the 'Soccer Team' paper slip, along with the names of few other girls.

She plays soccer? Well, wow. She must have more muscles than I thought. She didn't seem like the type of girl to wear sweaty uniforms and kick a ball and mud under the burning sun or freezing rain, I thought she was more like someone to avoid the public attention. But then again, soccer is a team sport. Unless you swallow the ball, no attention is particularly on you I guess.

The rule of judging people must also apply to the fact I'm wearing sweatpants but I don't even exercise.

She finished writing her name, and she looked at me as most of the other kids left for the next period. "Have you signed up for anything yet?" she asked. I shook my head.

She gave a lazy smile. "What did you say your name was again?" she asked again. "Aceline Anderson," I answered. She wrote my name swiftly, and thanked me for the pen.

She left and ran down the long hallway, to disappear in the female restroom.

This time though, I don't try to chase her or make her stay. I will see her again; something will make us meet again.


<Lunch break>

I wasn't prepared to get on a bus to a school filled with teens, much less was I prepared to prance into a cafeteria filled with teens whose eyes caught the slightest movement of the silent kid by the corner, picking his nose. Some kids were throwing food at each other. Some couples needed privacy. Others were table-dancing to music I can barely hear.

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