Chapter Seven: Ayame The Dark Princess of Shadows

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"Well now, where's the key? Do you have it?" Miki asked.

"uhhh no... I don't know anything about a key.." Aiden replied

"Prince Alex said it's in you...hmmm maybe if we open you up we will find it." Moko takes out a knife but he was stopped by Miki kicking him through a wall.

"IDIOT!! You'll kill him!" Miki yelled.

"Phew... but how are we gonna get the key?" he looked at Yue.

"You first have to master how to be stronger, as you grew stronger shall does the powers within you."

"I only fought bad guys who were trying to get to Hana, is that enough?"

"No, I shall train you to fight monsters and demons. Those you fought were only humans, there weak."

"W..Wait a minute! Monsters and demons.. Are you kidding they don't exists here. They're only made up stories to scare kids."

"Open you're eyes Aiden, you just saw Kana an evil Priestess, Me an angel, Miki and Moko the Twin fairies.." Yue stopped as he felt a presence of dark aura surrounding the shrine. He ran out and saw a massive black clouds covering the entire city of Kanao. Moko hid himself behind Aiden but he stood up with shock and followed Yue.

"What? Is that a storm?" He asked

"Ayame...." Yue whispered while drawing his sword.

"Ayame??? Is that the name of the storm?" Aiden confusingly asked.

"No, Ayame is The Dark Princess of Shadows... a demon Lord Alex killed long ago."

"What?! If Alex killed her before and now she's back, she's gonna go after me!"

"But how? She's dead.." A black shadow turned into a figure right in front of Yue and Aiden.

"It's been a long time Yue. Your still as handsome but dense just like before. And YOU!" she pointed at Aiden. "Alex... how nice to see you, do you remember me? "

"uhh no, sorry I don't. I'm not him, I'm not Alex." Aiden's voice is shivered with fear.

"Hmm are you trying to FOOL ME!! Seeing you're face brings so much pain to me, you who killed my parents, my friends, ME!!!"

"He's telling you the truth Ayame! He is not the Lord Alex!" Yue interfered.

"NO!!! YOU KILLED EVERYONE OF THEM!" Ayame's body is covered with black aura and her eyes turned black.

"You led them to be killed Ayame, you possessed them with your dark magic. They were no longer humans! You turned them as shadows to follow your desires. You instructed them to kill all that defies you!"

"I may have, but they were MINE! They were my creation! Now to avenge my past I shall take your heads and bring them to Master Kana!"

"Kana? So she's the one who brought you back to life. That bitch!"

"Fight me or surrender, either way you shall perish and your souls should join me! Be my shadows!"

The past life of Ayame is revealed. The fight between them is just the start of what seems to be a long way to bring very thing right. What should Aiden do, could he survive this battle?

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