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Tatia and Embry walked down the hallways to see Jacob and Quill leaning on each side of Tatia's locker causing Tatia to smile grabbing Embry's hand and rushing towards them, Quill noticed the smile on Embry's face when she grabbed his hand,

Quill let out a laugh with a smug look on his face as Embry glared at him Jacob looked between the two confused, "So How's Bella?" Tatia asked concerned Jacob sighed "She's fine, Charlie says she won't come out of her room and she doesn't want to talk to anyone, I don't know what's wrong." Jacob said running a hand through his hair,

Tatia rolled her eyes "It's called heart break, about two billion songs written about it." Tatia sassed Jacob, Jacob rolled his eyes "Bella is going to be heartbroken, Edward is the guy she's in love with and maybe always will be." Tatia told him, Jacob glared at her

"Why do you always have to be so negative about my happiness?" Jacob snapped stepping closer to Tatia, Embry moved him back "Hear her out." Embry warned standing protectively in front of her, Tatia looked at Embry with an unexplainable look

"Fine." Jacob snapped "No. I'm sick and tired of you always thinking I want to ruin your happiness, I want you to be happy with someone who is going to love you for you not because their boyfriend left them, but you don't get that I-I care about you Jake, and next time you decided you want to talk to me like I'm the bad guy when you are just throwing yourself in the middle of Bella and Edward's relationship, so it seems like to me that your the bad guy." Tatia snapped at Jacob, Embry and Quill looked at Tatia in shock, Tatia was standing in front of him, Jacob was staring down at her

Tatia glared at him, when their was a cough Tatia turned to see Paul Lahote standing their with a smirk on his face "Hey Princess." Paul said smirking, Quill, Jacob and Embry glared at Paul but were very confused to how the Paul was at school? And why he was talking to Tatia,

"What the hell are you doing here?" Tatia questioned annoyance clear in her voice "T, is he bugging you?" Embry asked confused, "Oh and if I were what would you do about it lover boy." Paul snapped causing people to turn towards him, Tatia placing her hands against Paul's chest giving him a warning look

"Paul." Tatia warned Paul put his head down surprising Embry, Jacob and Quill "Sam wants to speak with you." Paul said Tatia nodded, "Tatia, I'm not sure about this." Embry said "He's right." Jacob added "I don't listen to you." Tatia said glaring at Jacob, she turned towards Embry "You trust me?" Tatia asked "More than anyone." Embry said staring into Tatia's blue eyes, she smiled at him

Paul smirked at the duo "I'm going to be fine." Tatia told him kissing his cheek, she and Paul walked away easily getting out of school due to the fact anyone who knew Sam was well respected and always favorited

"He really cares about you, you know." Paul stated with a smug look on his face "He cares about everyone." Tatia said softly playing with her fingers "But you the most, he's over protective of you, he trust you, he puts you first, I'm pretty sure he's willing to die for you." Paul added Tatia stopped walking "Are we going to talk about my love life when you don't even have a girlfriend?" Tatia sassed her arms crossed over her chest

"Good one." Paul said impressed by her comebacks "Is it different for you guys?" Tatia asked curiously as they walked deeper into the woods "What do you mean?" Paul asked confused "Finding love, is it different than just meeting someone and declaring you love them?" Tatia asked Paul, he looked at her "Not so different but for wolves it's imprinting." Paul said Tatia looked at him with a confused look

Paul chuckled "Imprinting is something we can't control, it's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like... gravity moves... suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend." Paul said staring off straight a head

"Do you have an imprint?" Tatia asked curiously "I remember you constantly flirting with girls but you never stayed with them, you played them." Tatia pointed out, Paul sighed "I don't have an imprint, and you wouldn't understand." Paul said to Tatia looking anywhere else but not at her

"I don't know where my parents, I was adopted by Colon and Laurel Delane, I'm a very powerful witch who has had to move here to be in protection of your pack, try me, I don't judge." Tatia said giving Paul a soft smile

"My parents divorced when I was 8 my dad took me here to La Push, I don't know where the hell my mom is and I guess ever since she walked out on us, I've been angry for so long, I blamed myself never allowing myself to feel anything for anyone, it's kinda of the reason why I never stayed with one girl for to long, I just never felt like I deserved any love at all if my own mother couldn't love me." Paul said his voice cracked Tatia felt horrible she instantly pulled Paul into a hug

"None of this is your fault, your mom left you because she wasn't good enough, it's what I learned by losing both my parents, you have people who love and care about you now and that, that is all that matters, take it from someone who's actually been what you've been through." Tatia said with a soft smile "Your so little but so wise." Paul said with a soft smile causing Tatia to let out a laugh but suddenly Tatia froze she felt death surround her,

Tatia gasped her eyes watered "it's okay, it's okay Colon, everything is going to be okay, take care of Tatia, tell h-her I loved her, you have to tell her, i love you both so much."

"Laurel!" Tatia shouted collapsing into Paul's arms he held the young girl in his arms, Tatia ran towards the scene to see most of the Quileute tribe standing there, their eyes filled with sadness as they stared at Colon who held Laurel in his arms in loud sobs,

Sam and Jared were the first to notice Tatia standing their with Paul at her side "No!No!" Tatia shouted rushing towards Colon and Laurel, everyone moving out of her way, Tatia dropped to the floor next to Laurel gave Tatia a weak smile

"You got here faster than I thought." Laurel said weakly and skin very pale "I used my magic." Tatia said tears sliding down her face, Tatia grabbed Laurel's hand "I can take the pain away." Tatia told her Laurel shook her head

Tatia gripped onto Laurel's hand but nothing their was no pain "Why can't I take the pain?" Tatia asked her voice cracked "It's because it doesn't hurt i'm with the two most important people in my life, and I wouldn't want it any other way." Laurel said to the two

"No, no, Mom." Tatia cried out to Laurel, as Laurel's eyes shut, Tatia and Colon both let out a sob.

Tatia sat in her bedroom Paul and Jared were lift to take care of Tatia so Colon and the Quileutes and Sam could make arrangements for the funeral, Tatia stared emotionless at the wall as she sat criss cross on her bed,

Paul and Jared were sitting the living room not very used to the newly quiet Tatia, Paul thought this was some kind of sick joke, just after Tatia was having a loving talk about the people who took her in her adoptive-mother was killed

Paul and Jared stood up as the doorbell was rung, Paul walked over towards the door opening it to see Embry Call standing there, "Is she home? Is she okay?" Embry asked concerned before Paul or Jared could speak they were cut off

"Embry?" Tatia spoke her voice cracked and was rough due to all the crying "Tatia." Embry said staring at the broken girl in front of him still with so much love and awe at her appearance, Tatia rushed into his arms he held her tightly kissing her head,

Paul and Jared both smiled at the pair watching as Embry held the small girl tightly and as if he was trying to protect her from getting even more hurt, Jared and Paul knew Embry's love for the girl all they had to do was wait for Tatia to realize this as well.

I'm really sad after writing this chapter, Laurel DeLane is dead, Tatia is very upset things are going to get bad for Tatia's character due to this lose and I just can't wait for her to be a little more angry, she's had a pretty good life except for not knowing her parents, but other than that Laurel DeLane was her mother not by blood but she was still her mother, so Tatia is angry she wants to know who killed her mother and why they did this, the only ones she's really going to trust is Sam's pack due to them knowing about the supernatural. And because of this a lot of complications will happen for Tatia and Embry's friendship.

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