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"Why do I have to do this?" Tatia questioned "Because he doesn't want anyone else taking care of him besides you, and your one of the only people he trust and cares about." Sam said in a demanding tone which didn't sit well with the blue eyed brunette "Look it here Sam Uley. I'm not your bitch, I don't follow rules and I don't follow you." Tatia snapped, Embry pulled his girlfriend away from Sam knowing she can get to violent 

"Tatia, Do you trust me?" Embry asked cupping Tatia's face, she nodded "I trust you more than anyone." Tatia said softly "Than you need to check on Jacob because if any of us goes he'll think something bad you know how he feels about Sam." Embry said softly "I thought you said you didn't want me around Jacob after last time." Tatia pointed out "But we need to know if he's going to be one of us Tatia, so I need you to do this for me okay?" Embry asked his girlfriend, Tatia sighed 

"Okay, fine." Tatia said moving from Embry grabbing her jacket and taking Colon's keys from his hands and driving to Billy Black's house. When Tatia got there she was met by Billy who smiled happily at Tatia, Tatia smiled back hugging him, Tatia quickly rushed to Jacob's room knocking on the door "Go away Dad." Jacob muttered "Pretty sure I'm not your dad or a guy as a matter of fact." Tatia said with a teasing smile on her face, 

Jacob sat up from his bed looking at Tatia tiredly "Lay down." Tatia said with force in her voice Jacob layed back down in bed "Let me go get a few things." Tatia said a few seconds later she walked back over "Get up real quick." Tatia said to Jacob, he did as he was told Tatia climbed on the bed laying Jacob's head on her lap placing the wet cable cloth on his head "I'm sorry." Jacob spoke softly and tiredly Tatia looked at Jacob as she sighed 

"It's fine." Tatia said to him "Just don't kiss me again." Tatia added causing Jacob to laugh softly at her words, "So where were you two days when you go sick?" Tatia asked Jacob tensed up Tatia let out a sarcastic laugh "Of course." Tatia said with a smirk on her face as she gently grabbed Jacob's head to help him get comfortable she saw a picture of a Big Brown wolf, Tatia sighed knowing soon he'd become a werewolf "And I'm sorry I never gave you any of my attention when you were into me, you deserved better and I'm happy Embry was better." Jacob said tiredly "We're still friends right?" Jacob asked afraid of the answer 

"Best friends." Tatia said with a smile on her face Jacob smiled widely "Now get some rest." Tatia said softly with a smile on her face as she watched Jacob fall asleep after a about an hour of Jacob sleeping Embry walked into Billy's house looking for his girlfriend due to the fact she hadn't went home and of course Embry had been worried but not just for her safety but because he was scared to lose Tatia to Jacob even though he had imprinted on her and when he walked into the room he saw both Tatia and Jacob fast asleep on the couch, 

Tatia waking up due to hearing the door open her eyes locked with her boyfriend's "Embry it's not what your thinking." Tatia said instantly getting up but making sure she didn't hit Jacob in the head she fell to the ground due to her legs being sleepy "Fucking shit now is not the time." Tatia cursed at her legs forcing herself to stand up just as Jacob was waking up looking as confused as ever,

"Embry hold up your the one that told me to come watch over him." Tatia pointed out "I told you to watch over him not cuddle next to him." Embry snapped getting angry "I was sleepy so Jacob said to just lay down and he said he was going to get on the floor and I told him not to we didn't do anything." Tatia shouted back angry "Embry? Tatia." Jacob said looking concerned at Tatia "Oh now he thinks your his little savior." Embry said angry "What the hell are you talking about? I care about Tatia to." Jacob said as Embry began to shake "Oh so now you care about her." Embry snapped 

Now Jacob began to shake "Stop it, you two stop." Tatia shouted "Tatia move!" Billy shouted the blue eyed brunette ran far from the two as they turned into werewolves, the two wolves began to fight into the woods, Tatia on her phone warning Sam, Paul and Jared.

Tatia knew better than to get into the fight she had seen how dangerous it could, Emily was a waking proof of how dangerous and she didn't need to die at the moment even though she knew if it ever came the time to die for Embry she would in a heartbeat.


Embry and Tatia are the cutest but they're are complicated at times, but everything happens for a reason, right? I can't wait til it gets to the more interesting part of the movie and don't worry it won't always have Jacob in the drama because this is about Embry & Tatia, not Embry, Tatia and Jacob well leave the triangle to Edward, Bella and Jacob.


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