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Tatia finished cleaning up her house Embry was coming over to stay the night while her stepdad was out with Sam and the others, Tatia grinned hearing the door bell ring she rushed over to the door opening it her smile fell seeing Jacob Black standing there "What do you want?" Tatia asked annoyed "Can we talk?" Jacob asked Tatia looked unsure "Just a few minutes and than you can go back to doing whatever you were doing." Jacob added quickly so she'd agreed

The blue eyed brunette sighed in annoyance but nodded closing the door behind her as they sat on the porch steps a space in between them "So?" Tatia questioned looking at Jacob "What do you want to talk about?" Tatia asked him, Jacob sighed "Everything." Jacob said Tatia looked confused but nodded for him to continue "I want to say sorry Tatia, for the way I've attacked towards you, you've always just been there and tired to protect me and the guys." Jacob said sighing 

"Did Bella do something to you?" Tatia asked curiously Jacob chuckled shaking his head no "Okay. Well I honestly Jacob I can't stand being around you to long, you bother me ever since you started thinking you were everything just because Bella finally started to pay attention to you, it's unfair that you took out all your negletion out on me, you made me feel like shit, Like I wasn't good enough for anyone, and because of you I believed I didn't deserve someone like Embry but i do." Tatia stated glaring at Jacob, who sighed sadly 

"I know Tatia, and I'm sorry." Jacob said to her "You keep saying sorry but you haven't told me why you've been this why, why you've tired to ruin mine and Embry's relationship, so tell me why you did it and maybe I'll forgive you." Tatia said to him "Of course after I punch your face." Tatia added Jacob took a deep breathe "I'm a selfish asshole okay, i tried to ruin your relationship because I was jealous okay. I was so jealous of the fact that you started to pay so much attention to Embry instead of me, Tatia you don't know what it's like to like someone and watch them fall for someone else." Jacob said Tatia instantly scoffed "Yeah I do I had to watch you fall for Bella, but thanks you your idioticness I realized that Embry was the one for me, not you, it was never you, it was always hi-" Tatia was cut off as Jacob's lips pressed to hers Tatia tired to shove him off of her but she could because of his strong grip she let out a relieved sigh as Jacob was pull off of her

Tatia eyes widen seeing Embry was the one to pull Jacob off of her, Embry moved in front of Tatia checking her "Are you okay?" Embry asked Tatia nodded grabbing his arm she instantly moved them back feeling Embry's very inhealthy warm sick "Embry your really hot." Tatia said to him Embry smirked "I mean like I think your getting a fever." Tatia said Embry ignored her watching Jacob stand back up only for Embry to push him back down to the ground "What the hell is your problem?! She isn't your girlfriend you don't have a right touch and I swear to god you decided touch her again I'm going to kick your ass." Embry snapped Jacob stood back up shoving Embry the two began to fight one another "Embry stop!" Tatia shouted upset just as Paul arrived with Jared at his side seeing what was going on the pulled them apart Embry rushed off into the woods "Embry wait!" tatia shouted but was held back by Paul "It's not safe." Paul said giving Tatia a look the brunette instantly glared at Jacob the small blue eyed brunette punched Jacob 

"Something happens to Embry because of you I'm gonna kick your ass, now go back to Bella and the little bitch that you are." Tatia snapped at Jacob "Tati-" Jacob was cut off "Go." Paul warned Jacob glaring at the guy in front of them, Jacob sighed rushing off "We'll make sure he's okay just stay home okay." Paul said to Tatia "When you find him call me okay." Tatia said to them the two wolves nodded rushing after Embry Call, but Tatia had a feeling that when Tatia were to see him again he wasn't going to be the same Embry.

And Tatia was right Embry began missing school and Tatia knew why due to the fact that the same thing had happened with Jared and Paul when they first phased so she knew that any day now her boyfriend was going to be a werewolf and she knew there was a huge chance that she wouldn't be Embry's imprint and that scared her the most, she wasn't even afraid that her boyfriend was going to a werewolf with a bad temper just that she wouldn't be able to be with the guy she loved more than anything in the world beside her step-father. 


I love Tatia's character I really do. This chapter probably sucked so I apologize but next one will be better than this one PROMISE! also guys PLEASE COMMENT I LOVE WHEN YOU GUYS COMMENT ON MY STORIES, so please comment :D


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