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Around school Embry and Tatia were ignoring Jacob even outside of school and every time Jacob tired to talk to them it always seemed to piss off Embry very easily and it started to worry Tatia that he would become a werewolf and if he did Tatia was afraid she knew all about the imprinting and it scared her to think that she may not be his imprint that Embry would have someone else because Tatia wasn't good enough and it scared her so much,

Sam, the pack and Colon sat around the living room missing around Embry had called Tatia several times but the brunette was stressed out, afraid and frustrated so she had decided to avoid him and the pack, and Colon noticed this but they knew that it couldn't just be just one of them to talk to her so they gave Paul a look, Paul didn't even argue as he stood up Tatia had become like a sister to him he followed the small blue eyed brunette outside watching as she paced back and forth 

"You okay?" Paul asked Tatia stayed silent as if she hadn't even heard him "You wanna talk about it?" Paul asked "What if Embry turns and he doesn't imprint on me?" Tatia asked "I can't live with that I can't live with not being good enough again Paul, I wasn't good enough for Jacob, I wasn't good enough as a witch to save my mom what if when I was just beginning to think that I was good enough for someone like Embry that it turns out I'm not?" Tatia questioned looking at Paul, her eyes watered Paul flinched he hated seeing her upset it was like watching your little sister cry all you wanted to do was make her happy again,

"If that were even remotely possible for you to not be his imprint, than that would mean there is someone better out there but Embry and you are mean't for each other Tatia." Paul told her "So were Leah and Sam, don't you remember they were the whole talk of the town, they were the perfect couple that were getting married and supposed to live happily ever after and than Sam became a werewolf and he imprinted on someone else and for crying out loud it was his cousin, what if Embry finds someone better Paul?" Tatia asked Paul, "He loves you Tatia, he's always been in love with you and I'm 99.9% sure your going to be his imprint you to have always had this connection." Paul told her Tatia sighed her phone ring once again she grabbed from her pocket seeing it was Embry 

she sighed answering it "Hey Embry." Tatia said softly "Oh thank god, you had me worried sick. Did I do something for you not to answer me if I did please tell me i'll fix it." Embry spoke quickly his voice filled with concern and panic "You did nothing wrong, you never do. I'm just thinking." Tatia said softly Paul gave her a soft smile walking back into the house "So was I." Embry said Tatia smirked "Your mom would be so proud of you, babe." Tatia said with a giggle, Tatia could practically feel Embry roll his eyes with an amused smirk on his face 

"Ha.Ha.Ha. Babe your so funny." Embry said with a sarcastic laugh causing Tatia to giggle even more "So what were you thinking about?" Tatia asked serious now "Well I forgave Jacob and now I'm thinking if i made the wrong decision." Embry said softly "Well you should've at least punched him in the face before you forgave him." Tatia spoke honestly, Embry laughed "I actually did." Embry said surprising Tatia "I'm so proud of you." Tatia said excitedly "Well I have the best bad influence there is." Embry said with a laugh "Ha.Ha.Ha. your so cute babe." Tatia said sarcastically

"But now me and Quil were wondering if you wanted to go with us to see Jacob talk to Bella, and of course make fun of him." Embry stated nervously, Tatia thought about it for a few seconds she shrugged to herself "Why the fuck not." Tatia said causing her boyfriend to laugh from the other side of the line "I'll meet you at Quil's place and we can walk from there." Embry said to her "Or I take Colon's car and I go pick you and Embry up and I drive to Jacob's." Tatia told him "Babe, you suck at drivin-" but Tatia hung up on him before he could say anything else.

When Tatia, Embry and Quil had gotten to Jacob's place Quil and Embry were practically pissing their pants "Tatia you suck at driving, I could've died." Quil stated Tatia shrugged getting out of the car "Your alive right?" Tatia asked her arms crossed over her chest with a 'bitch try me' look, Embry chuckled his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder giving Quil and amused look, Quil stood on the other side of Tatia, they all just stood next to each other Tatia and Embry didn't hold hands or anything because that always seemed to trigger Jacob and Embry to fight so they just kept there hands to themselves walking into the back barn/warehouse Embry knocked on the big door "YOO Jake you in there?" Quil asked "No it's okay it's just my boys and the girl." Jacob said "I'd say their more my boys than yours." Tatia commented with a fake bright smile

Bella suddenly felt insecure the small brunette was tiny but she was gorgoues and she wasn't even a vampire, her skin was light but it wasn't a pale like Bella's was a was a nice skin tone that went well with the girls bright blue eyes, Bella noticed how the guys practically toward over her small figure but how confidently she stood her head held high, the girl sort of reminded her of Rosalie with her beauty and confidence "Hey Jake." Embry said "Hey guys and girl, this is Bella." Jacob said with a smile on his face "Bella that's Quil, Embry and Tatia." Jacob said "I'm Quil Ateara." Quil said with a soft of flirty tone causing the blue eyed brunette to let out a giggle, Bella felt even more insecure the way the girl talked so softly and her giggles were even more adorable 

Bella had an amused look on her face looking at Jacob "So the bike building story is true." Quil spoke again looking at Bella "Oh yeah, I ugh taught him everything he knows." Bella said with a smile on her face "What about the part were your his girlfriend?" Quil asked causing Tatia to roll her eyes hitting Quil's arm hard the boy winced in pain while Embry stared at his girlfriend proudly and Bella could see how much love Embry had for the tiny girl

"Uh friends you know." Bella said this time Embry let out a laugh "Oh burn." Embry said causing Quil to laugh as well "Actually remember I said that she's a girl and a friend." Jacob said nervously and awkward, Tatia would've felt bad and saved him out of this situation if he wasn't such a dick the past few days, Quil turned to Embry "Embry do you remember him making that distintion?" Quil asked "Nope." Embry said "So you guys have girlfriends? that's awesome." Bella said amused Jacob laughed while Tatia rolled her eyes "Actually he does I'm dating that idiot." Tatia said looking at Embry, who smirked wrapping his arms around her shoulders his chin resting on her head, Bella had to admit that she was pretty surprising to see Tatia dating Embry 

"Yeah right, Quil's actually taking his cousin to prom." Jacob said causing both Embry and Tatia to laugh lightly looking at their best friend "Yeah that's still alright you want funny Black I'll give you funny." Quil said rushing towards Jacob they began to play fight, Embry rolled his eyes in amusement his actions in unison with Tatia's, Embry and Tatia moved next to Bella trying to avoid Jacob and Quil's play fight, "10 bucks on Quil." Embry said "Your on." Bella said staring at Jacob and Quil, Embry smiled at Tatia intertwining their hands together she smiled up at her boyfriend 

"How long have you guys been together?" Bella asked curiously the duo looked at one another "Almost a month now." Embry said "But we were best friends before we even dated." Embry added Tatia grinned happily staring at Embry.


EMTIA IS SO BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait til Embry turns into a wolf and see how he reacts to his girlfriend knowing everything about the supernatural, and how they deal with the supernatural together. Tatia isn't going to be best friend's with Bella but she also doesn't hate Bella's guts.


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