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Tatia rolled her eyes it'd been a week since she and Embry became an actual couple everyone was happy for the pair they all saw how much Embry was so in love with Tatia, and they all witnessed Tatia fall just as hard for Embry, the four teens were in the library studying because Tatia wasn't going to watch her three best friend's fail at life,

But Tatia was becoming annoyed to Jacob's constant rants about the Cullen's and Bella,  no Tatia didn't like Jacob anymore but it was pissing the blue eyed brunette off to here bad talk about the Cullen's just because Bella couldn't handle a break up like a grown woman hell Tatia was younger than Bella, and even Tatia manage to grow stronger through her mother's death, Tatia prayed the petty pale brunette wouldn't lose a parent because Bella couldn't even handle losing a boyfriend Tatia couldn't imagine Bella losing a parent, 

Embry could see the annoyed look on his girlfriend's face he intertwined their fingers together causing Tatia to smiled at him "I miss Bella so much." Jacob whined "How do you miss someone who doesn't even pay attention to you?" Tatia genuinely questioned confused Jacob rolled his eyes "You know I thought dating Embry would make you realize, I don't like you." Jacob spat, it took Tatia every bone in her body to hold back Embry from punching Jacob in the face, Quil stood in between his two friends "Jacob, I'm not sorry to tell you this but I got over you the day I realized your not anything special, your just another teenage boy getting him self set for a heart break." Tatia said grabbing her books and walking away 

Embry sighed grabbing his things glaring at Jacob "Embry come on, man." Jacob called out getting "Jacob. Talk to Tatia like that again, and our friendship is as good as over as yours and Tatia already is." Embry snapped walking away "Idiot." Quil commented looking at Jacob as he rushed after his two other friends getting a ride from Tatia. 


Tatia sat on Embry's lap facing him, his hands on her hips he kissed her softly causing her to giggle, but she softly frowned causing Embry to frown he didn't like seeing Tatia upset he never did though Tatia was hardly ever upset most the time she fought through any kind of pain with a huge smile on her face, seeing how Tatia reacted to her mother's death surprised Embry a bit not because of how heartbroken she was but because even after losing her mother and after two months of depression she managed to get out of bed and do more than cry and wish it would've been her instead of her mother, Embry was proud Tatia was strong and brave it's one of the reason he loves her so much 

"What's wrong babe?" Embry asked as Tatia bite her lip nervously but Embry still found her biting her lip to be a huge turn on "You don't think I like Jacob still after what happened earlier right?" Tatia asked upset her blue eyes looked darker, "No I don't, yeah I know you still care about Jacob we all do that's the whole point of being best friends with the guys, but if you were still so in love with Jacob you would've forgave him so easily and you would've done everything to make him happy again, but your not, your here with me." Embry said with a soft smile, Tatia smiled brightly leaning her forehead against his forehead she kissed him so gently and so passionately.

Tatia and Embry pulled apart hearing the door bell ring but Embry continued kissing her neck Tatia let out a moan trying to move away from Embry "Ba-Babe I need to get the ohh-" Tatia moaned yet again but finally broke out of her boyfriend's arms moving to open the door to see Jacob, she crossed her arms over her chest and suddenly realized what she was wearing, just Embry's shirt and of course a bra and panties, "Jacob what are you doing here?" Tatia asked upon hearing Jacob's name Embry was quick to stand behind her, his arms around her waist Tatia giggled leaning her head against his chest "I wanted to talk to you." Jacob said softly 

Tatia looked confused why Embry didn't looked surprised one bit, Embry knew it pissed Jacob off that Tatia's full attention was on Embry and not even a bit on Jacob, Quil had told Embry that Jacob was pissed off about the fact that Tatia was so in love with Embry that she'd completely forgotten about Jacob, and Embry and Quil knew Jacob loved having Tatia's attention because Bella didn't give him any attention when Edward was in town, so of course Embry was on edge about Jacob being anywhere around his girlfriend,

"Babe get changed, I'll keep Jacob company." Embry said kissing Tatia's forehead the blue eyed brunette nodded going to her bedroom and putting some pants on while tucking in Embry's shirt in her jeans, "So what, got tired of Bella ignoring you so you came here to get Tatia's attention?" Embry questioned his arms crossed over his chest "Embry look I get it you think I'm jealous, I'm happy for the both of you, my two best friends happily in love." Jacob said the bitterness was clearly in his voice even though Jacob was trying hard not to be bitter but he couldn't help it, Tatia was in love with Jacob and suddenly Tatia finds out about Embry being in love with her it just seemed weird to Jacob and he explained his reason telling Embry who was quickly pissed off his shot temper getting the best of him, before Embry could shout at Jacob, Tatia had punched Jacob sending the guy to the floor, Jacob groaned in pain holding his nose 

"Your always bitching and complaining about your happiness but the second I'm so much as happy with Embry you bitch and complain about that to, what is your god damn problem Jacob your that jealous your willing to risk losing my friendship because if you are fine, I'm sick and tired of you Jacob Black." Tatia snapped the anger was clear in her voice and shown in her eyes, Embry looked stunned as Colon, Sam, Jared and Paul walked into the house their laughter quiet down seeing Jacob on the ground, a shock look on Embry's face and Tatia storming off upstairs 

"What the hell did you do?" Colon questioned Jacob, "I'll check on Tatia." Embry said rushing upstairs after his girlfriend not really caring that Sam's cult was in his girlfriend's house at the moment. Embry knocked on the door "Embry just come in." Tatia said Embry could practically see Tatia roll her eyes through the other side of the door, he was surprised greatly as Tatia instantly cupped his face kissing him, Embry didn't hesitate to kiss her back he gently pulled away staring at her his eyes were filled with so much adoration as he started at Tatia "What was that for?" Embry asked confused today was a day full of good surprises, bad surprises and sad ones but Embry figured that's how life was with Tatia an adventure 

"Embry I really really like a lot more than I've ever liked Jacob, way more than anything I've ever felt for Jacob, I don't understand why Jacob's being a dick about us but I don't want to lose you, not to some stupid rumors, I don't want to lose you to anything, you've become everything to me, you and Colon your all I have left you know besides Quil." Tatia explained she wanted to say Sam, Jared and Paul but she knew her boyfriend wasn't completely ready to hear about the stories being true or that she was even remotely close to Sam and his "cult" so she just let Embry hold her and she clung onto him afraid that at any moment he would be taken for her and Tatia wouldn't be able to handle that.


This story is finally back as well! And I'm so happy and proud of myself because I feel like I'm on such a roll right now with finishing the third book of Salvation {Emmett Cullen}, almost finishing Cinderella {Seth Clearwater} fanfic and now finally starting back on this one.  Thank you guys for being so patient and understanding, sorry I didn't update but I am so back now :D


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