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Tatia had finally got home due to the fact she had waited til Paul and Jared had came to take Jacob back to Sam and Emily's after she had put him to sleep, she opened the door finding Embry sitting on the couch "Hey babe." Tatia said tiredly she stopped noticing the upset look on his face "Why didn't you tell me?" Embry asked angry and upset,

"I was going to tell you Em, I just needed to figure out how." Tatia said sighing she ran a hand through her curls "This is insane, in order to save you I have to lose you." Embry snapped looking at Tatia with a heartbroken expression "If I don't do this, you'll lose me either way." Tatia stated moving closer to her boyfriend, Embry shook his head at her his eyes watered "I can't do this Tatia, I can't love you and lose you." Embry told her moving to walk away 

"So that's it your just going to walk away?" Tatia questioned "What other choice do I have Tatia? If I stay with you I lose you either way!" Embry shouted at her "We can work this out Embry! I'm dying soon and your just going to walk away on my last days like thats going to help anyone?!" Tatia questioned him angry as her eyes watered "I can't do this anymore Tatia, I just can't." Embry said walking out of the house closing the door behind him,

Tatia leaned against the door sliding down slowly her arms wrapped around her knees her head resting on her knees as she cried, Colon walked downstairs after hearing everything he sighed watching his little girl cry, Tatia looked up seeing Colon, she stood up running into Colon's arms he held her close.

Tatia leaned against the door sliding down slowly her arms wrapped around her knees her head resting on her knees as she cried, Colon walked downstairs after hearing everything he sighed watching his little girl cry, Tatia looked up seeing Colon, ...

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The days seemed to get longer ever since Embry and Tatia had broken it off Embry hadn't been allowed to tell anyone due to Sam's orders, none of them were aloud to safe anything until Tatia decided to tell everyone. The days seemed to get colder none stop rain as the days went on, The Cullen's had come back safely with Bella, and when the Cullen's had found out do to Alice's visions that in order to save Tatia they had to kill her, they were devastated the Cullen's had saved her a few times and now they weren't allowed to save her after the many times she had also saved them,

But today Tatia had decided to tell the Pack with Colon by her side she walked into Sam and Emily's place "Tatia, Colon. Nice to see you both." Emily said smiling widely she frowned seeing the looks on their faces, Colon and Tatia had been M.I.A since the break up of Embry and Tatia, Colon had used theses days to be their with Tatia to spend her last days with his daughter,

"Sam!" Emily called out to her Fiance knowing what was going to be said, Sam walked over "Come on their in the living room." Sam told Tatia, as the four of them walked towards the living room, Leah was also their with her younger brother Seth, due to the fact that after their father died Leah had phased her younger brother close by, Leah stood up hugging Tatia tightly, Tatia and Leah had been close at one point due to the fact that Tatia was always around the Clearwater's house helping out,

"What's going on?" Paul asked confused seeing the look on Sam, Emily, Colon and Tatia's face the entire pack looked at Tatia, Embry stared at her she seemed so pale and exhausted as if everyday that she stayed alive the life from Tatia slowly drained out of her, and than Tatia began to explain about the sort of ritual/ceremony that would happened soon, and she watched as the happy looks on their faces began to disappear and their eyes began to water 

"This is stupid, how is this supposed to save you if it's going to kill you?" Leah questioned angry Jacob, Paul, Jared, and Seth had froze processing what they were hearing and Embry stared at the ground emotionless "If I don't die, I'll die either the way the power I have will consume me until it kills me, and when that happens I won't be the only one going down everyone will be going down with me." Tatia explained to him "This is insane, Tatia, your our family we can't lose you." Paul said angry and upset his eyes watered 

Tatia held in her tears "This is the only way, I'm not going to be selfish and take everyone with me, and you need to understand that." Tatia told them her voice cracking "We can find another way their is always another way." Jared said to her "There's not we've tired to find different ways to this but we've come to a dead end over and over again." Sam said seeing Colon's head in his hands, "We can't just let her die, she's pack of this pack. She's not just Embry's imprint she's a sister to all of us." Leah snapped at Sam not caring about anyone at the moment besides Tatia's life,

"I-i can't do this." Tatia said standing up and rushing out of the house, "Tatia! Wait!" Embry called after Tatia, when they were in the woods "What Embry? What?" Tatia questioned looking at Embry her eyes watery along with Embry's "I-i wanted t be strong, I wanted to be brave, but I can't anymore, I can't be strong and brave, when I'm going to leave all of you behind." Tatia said as she let out a sob, Embry held her close "How about we dance?" Embry asked giving her a soft smile,

"Em there is no music." Tatia said with a weak smile "It's okay, I mean we've never got to dance, so i'm pretty sure I owe you a dance." Embry said with a soft smile taking Tatia's hand the two of them began to sway side by side, Tatia leaning her head on Embry's chest as they dance with one another, "I love you Tatia, I love you so much." Embry said holding her as the two danced, "You've always been the strong and brave one, you have always been the one for me." Embry said softly, Tatia listened to him "I'm always going to love you Embry." Tatia said to him, she looked at him "I'm ready to do this Em." Tatia said softly, Embry nodded kissing her softly and to what he believed would be his last time.


This Chapter was sad next one will probably be even sadder so I am sorry. Next chapter will also be the last chapter of this story, I'm not sure what I plan to do next so I'm very sorry for any sadness and tears I have costed you but be ready for another sad chapter. 


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