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Embry turned to her his eyes landed on her bloody knuckles "What the hell did you do to yourself?" Embry questioned Tatia, she rolled her eyes "Stay here." Embry told her Tatia just nodded looking at her knuckles, Embry came back with white guazes he grabbed her arms wrapping them gently around her knuckles

"Do you love me?" Tatia asked him she stared at the walls numbly as Embry started wrapping her the other knuckles he sighed once he finished he looked at Tatia "Yeah I did." Embry lied he noticed the sadness and hurt flash through her eyes "I should go than." Tatia said getting up "Thanks." Tatia said giving him a weak smile

Embry grabbed her hand before she could walk away he pulled her close her face inches from her's "I do, I've been in love with since the day I met you, we were 6 years old and you and your parents walked onto the reservation you had your short light brown hair, your eyes were mixed color blue and green at the time and I remember I was the first person you talked, and i remember you told me you loved how long my hair was and asked if you could braid it and I let you, because I knew that I was in love with you and I would do everything you asked in a heart beat." Embry admitted honestly his eyes were filled with so much love and adoration

Tatia could now see it the way Embry looked at Tatia was the way Colon used to look at Laurel, the way Sam looks at Emily, it was the same way the Cullen's looked at their mates, Tatia didn't know what to do at the moment but what she did would change everything between them but Tatia knew it would be better life would be much better with Embry at her side,

Tatia got on her tippy toes she wrapped her arms around his neck instantly pulling him into a kiss, It only took Embry a few seconds to fully get that fact that Tatia DeLane's lips were on his and when is finally processed through him, his hands instantly went to her waist kissing her back he lifted her up, Tatia wrapping her legs around his torso, his hands moving down her ass causing Tatia to smile softly into the kiss, kissing someone never felt as good as it did at this moment, their lips fit together so perfectly, their body mashed together like the perfect fit of a puzzle piece, and at Tatia wonder why the hell she'd ever thought of Jacob instead of Embry.

Tatia and Embry layed in bed together fast asleep Tatia's head layed on Embry's chest his arms around her small figure, and Colon didn't except to see that when he had come looking for Embry, both Colon and Tiffany stared at the two in shock but also in happiness "About damn time." Colon said with a smirk on his face "Just let them before tonight, I'll tell her you stopped by." Tiffany said with a huge smile on her face, Tiffany had been one of the first people to find out Embry was madly in love with the DeLane girl, Embry would constantly talk to his mother about everything that would happen between Tatia and him, he'd talk to his mother about all the things he loved about Tatia so seeing her son's arms wrapped around the woman he loved made her happy

Colon nodded with a smile on his face the two walking out of the room.

{Next Morning}

Embry had woken up with a smile on his face he felt a small tiny figure on him arms wrapped around him, he let out a laugh to see Tatia completely on him her arms wrapped around him as she cuddled into him her head on his chest, he than wondered how he was going to get up and take a shower he gently lifted the small brunette laying her back down placing the blanket on her

Embry walked downstairs seeing a letter on the kitchen counter he read it 'I see Tatia is here, I'm happy for you. I went out for a little but I'll be home a bit later don't wait up have fun with Tatia, oh her dad stopped by yesterday to make sure she was okay tell her to give her dad a call at least to tell him she's safe.'

Embry let out a small laugh going back upstairs and getting into the shower, Tatia woke up a few minutes later not feeling Embry's warm body lying next to her causing her to wake up with a frown on her face but she smiled hearing the shower turned on, she grabbed one of Embry's sweats putting it on and folding her pants she took off her shirt leaving her in her black spaghetti strapped shirt, she walked downstairs and decided she'd make food for Embry and her seeing Tiffany wasn't home

Tatia was known for her food, her food looked incredible and it tasted incredible a lot of parents prayed their sons would date and marry someone like Tatia, Tatia was so loved through out La Push and even out of La Push like in Forks, Tatia was constantly know for helping around in the towns doing lots of charities, helping up the elders and the homeless,

Tatia had finished getting the food set placing Embry's plate on the table and getting hers set, when she heard fast and loud footsteps coming down the stairs "Oh thank god, I thought you left." Embry said hugging Tatia, Tatia hugged him she looked at him confused "I wouldn't leave you Embry." Tatia said with a soft smile on her face

"Thank god, because I just got you." Embry said with a soft smile he cupped her cheeks kissing her softly, Tatia instantly kissed back causing Embry to smile into the kiss which made Tatia smile and both of them smiled at each other like completely love sick puppies, "Okay." Tatia said with a small giggle as Embry frowed when she pulled away from their kiss "There is your breakfast on the table." Tatia said to him Embry instantly went towards the table seeing her pancakes, eggs, bacon and chocolate milk because Embry didn't like coffee,

Tatia sat down across from him "I think you should call your dad." Embry said looking away from the food, Tatia sighed "I know." Tatia said sighing she kissed Embry's cheek grabbing her phone from the counter where'd she left it she instantly called her dad's number after one ring the phone was answered Tatia smiled softly "Tatia? Are you okay? Are you still with Embry?"

"Yeah I'm still with Embry." Tatia said with a smile on her face she could hear Colon laughing from the other end "Guessing you two are together?" Colon asked his daughter, Tatia smiled "Something like that, we not offical just yet." Tatia said softly "Just get home safe okay." Colon said softly to his daughter "I will, I love you Dad." Tatia said softly "I love you too, sweetheart." Colon said as the father-daughter duo hung up

"You two okay?" Embry asked Tatia softly "Yeah, we're okay." Tatia said smiling at Embry he also couldn't stop smiling it wasn't every day that the people you were madly in love with was also madly in love with you.

I'm really happy their going to be together, I really wanted them together and I have everything set on how all of this going to go down with Tatia and Embry, I got it figured out, you can except an update tonight, or in like 3 hours if I feel like doing it now. I want to know do you want Tatia and Bella to be friends or do you guys still want Tatia to not be very fond of Bella? Thanks so much for reading this chapter I hope you continue reading the story.

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