2.2 It's Not What You Think

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"That's us!" Sky chirped happily. Sometimes I forget shes a prep but things like her love for attention and endless bag of name brand makeup remind me of her dark side. I sighed loudly as she pulled me along. Everyone made a path for us to get toward the front of the wings. I saw my friends in the front row with my brother and his friends. They all had hotdogs or hamburgers from the snack shack. I wonder what they did to earn front row seats. Kayla probably got into a fight and Jewels probably did something clumsy and embarrassing. I also saw Mr. Larry the Principal. Lets just say I wasn't his favorite student. He was tall, pale white with jet black hair. Sky's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Oh and Niki," Sky started, "Just to let you know they ask really personal questions so try not to pop off." she warned me.

"Thank's I'll try to remember that while I'm freaking out." I said.

"What? The Niki Jackson is nervous?" she jokes. I laugh quietly. I guess I don't seem like the shy type.

"Welcome back to Hollywood Hills High!" Mr. Larry announced into the audience. Sky pushed me forward, signaling me to start running. About 15 students, including me, ran out on stage, screaming.

"Cathy sucks!" Sky yelled loudly. Cathy is a 5'2 ft bundle of hate. She's has pasty white skin and of course nothing would complete the prep look without a layer or 7 of makeup. I have no idea what Cathy did to Sky but I don't really like her either.

"Cathy is a bitch!" I yelled. Sky turned to me and gave me a high five.

"Fuck you!" Cathy yelled back. I could barely hear her weak voice. All the people on stage were told to sit on the risers. I sat next to this guy I didn't know and Sky. The guy next to me had curly brown hair and beautiful emerald eyes. He wore a red plaid long sleeve shirt and tan skinny jeans.

"Hello," the guy smiled as he caught me staring at him. His voice had an familiar accent.

"Are you British?" I asked. He looked surprised but then smiled. He chuckled. As we talked quietly Mr. Larry talked to a girl named Monica about why she snuck into the boys dorms and let a skunk run around spraying stuff.

"Yep." he said popping the p.

"Do you know Zayn?" I questioned farther.

"Why does everyone think all British people know each other?" he questioned.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just thought"-

"I was just joking love. And yes Zayn's my friend." the guy smiled. I laughed nervously.

"Um so why are there so many British people at this school now." I asked.

"They offered scholarships for foreigners to come study here." the guy explained. "A few of my friends got scholarships too. You might know Liam, Niall, and Louis. Oh and I'm Harry. What's your name?" he asked. Before I could reply Sky butted in.

"Don't tell Harold your name." Sky said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He's a player. All this right now is just an act so he can hit it later." she explained.

"Is that true?" I turned and asked Harry. He looked down, biting his lip and combed through his hair.

"You got me all figured out Sky," he chuckled, "Is it because I'm that transparent or is it because-"

"It's because you tried to do that shit to me." Sky cut him off. The silence after was very uncomfortable.

"Anyway," Harry said as he scratched his neck, "Are you new here?"

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