Their Secret Meet-up

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Normal Pov.
Sakura woke up from her blissful sleep, remembering what happened yesterday and her promise to Sasuke; so she got out of bed and took a bath 4 mins. later she got out of the bathroom and went to her walk-in closet.

Sakura's Pov.
I went in my walk-in closet to where my dress section is(of course I already wore my underwear before coming here) I'm planning on wearing a baby-blue colored dress embroided with blue sapphires that reached my ankles and has a light blue ribbon on the back flowing onto my back-knee and sky blue flats, then went out from my walk-in closet, out of my room, down the hall to the dining room. "Good morning, Mother, Father!" I said with cheery smile "Good morning to you to, Sakura" Mom and Dad, Kazashi said in unison "Mother, Father may I go for a walk outside the castle grounds?" I ask "Sure, but its not safe going by yours--" before Dad finished what he was about to say I cut him off " But, Father I'm a big girl now, I can manage on my own" I said "She is right, Dear" my mom added. Dad sighed and said "Okay, you can but be sure you come back before 11:00 p.m you hear me, young lady?" I grinned and kissed them both on the cheeks and said "Thank you Mother, Father!" and with that I walked out of the dining room and into the forest where I met Sasuke yesterday, when I got there he was already waiting there for me "Did I keep you waiting?" I ask "Nah, I just got here myself, Sakura" he said I grinned and sat there beside him leaning on the tree trunk, and he suddenly placed his head on my lap, I began stroking his hair with my fingers smiling slightly. "Hey, Sakura do you mind if I sleep on your lap? I didn't get much sleep last night." he asked me his eyes dropping and him, forcing them open. I chuckled and sang a soft song. He then slowly closed his eyes can't anymore resist the exhaustion.

Sakura's Pov.
After I finished singing, Sasuke already fell fast asleep I could tell because I can hear a light snore, I smiled and looked down to see his sleeping face he looks so peacefull lips slightly parted. I grinned and began stroking his hair.

Sasuke's Pov.
I was fast asleep until I felt someone stroking my hair, I decided not to open my eyes so I pretended to stay asleep until I heard that someone sing. 'I know that voice, its Sakura. Wait, now I remember: I placed my head on Sakura's lap then she began to sing and stroking my hair 'till I fell asleep' I thought as I remembered what happened 'Hey, Outer lets just fall asleep again to like......ok maybe you won't but I surely will enjoy this moment try to make the best of it. Its not everyday someone will do this for you, y'know!' my Inner me, said 'Hey! I'm enjoying this moment to y'know! hmmm.......hey, for once I actually agree with you Inner.' I said agreeing with Inner. I slowly opened my eyes to Sakura smiling softly at me "Hey, Sasuke its time for me to go, its getting late and its almost dark" she said. So I got up and said "Okay, but can we still y' up here tomorrow? I kinda like it if we hang out....soo is it ok with you?" I ask her "No prob, I like hanging out with you too!" she replied and smiled at me "So, see you tomorrow?" "Yeah,see you tomorrow" and with that we parted ways.

Sakura's Pov.
When me and Sasuke parted ways I couldn't help but grin all the way until I reached home. "Pheew, what a day." I said as I went straight to my room and plopped unto my bed 'True it was tiring but you enjoyed it didn't you?' Inner asked me 'Of course, I enjoyed it. Its not everyday that you get to spend a moment--or should I say--An whole day with the Prince of Darkness not to mention a charming one at that.' I said in my head 'Hey, we'll still meet-up with him again tomorrow, right?' Inner asked 'Of course we'll still meet-up with him, I wouldn't really miss it for the world.' Inner seemed satisfied with my answer and dissapeared to who-knows-where and with that Ì asleep.

~Dear, Readers
Hey, is it okay or is it boring? I hope you like it, well...if your still reading it I mean and btw sorry for the short chapter. Well anyways see you next chapter.

- R.G.

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