Sasuke's Boys Meets Sakura's Girls (Sasuke's side)

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~Early Morning at 4:00 a.m.~
Sasuke's Pov.
"Mmm" I mumbled as I woken up to the sound of birds outside my window, then I replayed all the events that happened yesterday inside my head then grinned at the memory. 'Sakura's finally mine! and I'll never let her go. never.' I thought as I woke up and took a bath.

~Timeskip: After taking a bath~

After I took a bath, I went towards my walk-in closet to get some undergarments and boxers. After that I went to my clothes section and began deciding what to wear.

~Timeskip: After deciding on what to wear~

After I decided what to wear I went to the dining hall. I'm wearing: a Black polo with those golden thingies on both my shoulders and black pants with gold and red linings, A cape with a black front and a red back, and finally my sword on the right side of my belt. When I arrived at the dinning hall I saw my mother Mikoto and father waiting for me. "Sorry, did I kept both waiting?" I said in an gentlemanly manner "No, It's okay, Sasuke-kun" Mother said "Mother can you please stop it with the 'kun' thing, please?" I asked with an annoyed tone "No prob, Sa-su-ke-kun" she said teasingly while I groaned. "Well*cough* Son, you do know that its almost your 19th birthday right?" Dad asked "Yes, I am aware of that father." I replied "Well since you are almost nineteen me and your mom are kind-of worried about your lovelife, well, since you're going to be king in a few more years, so.....I just think it is time for you to have a girlfreind to rule with you when you become king, if you know what I mean." Dad said 'Oh puh-lease it's none of your buisness to be worried coz. I already have a girlfreind! Hey, Inner! can I tell them about Sakura and Me?' I asked 'No! wait for the right time. you can't tell maybe she'll just grow tired of you or maybe your parents or I spicificly think only your---I mean 'OUR' father will get in the way.' Inner said emphasizing on the word 'our' 'Yeah, now that you think about it, I think you have a point.' I said agreeing to my Inner, after a few seconds I nner began talking again. 'Oh, and by the way, Sas. I thing I'm kinda getting bored and we don't have a date with Sakura today so......maybe we could hang-out with the group, its actually been awhile since we last hanged around them y'know? and I'm practically missin' that loud-mouthed, knucle-head, Naruto. So can we, please? and besides how long has it been anyway? 3 days? 6? So c'mon please?' '*sigh* Okay' I replied.

~Timeskip: After breakfast~

After breakfast I texted the group.

Group call conversation:

Sasuke: Hey, Guys! 'been awhile wanna hang out? y'know like old times?

Naruto: Wow! that's the first time I've ever heard Teme ever say somethin' that's longer than one word!

Shikamaru: Shut up! but hey, it's true this really is the first time you ever spoke something that long.

Neji: Yeah, I agree with them, Uchiha.

Sasuke: Shut up, Hyuuga

Kiba: Hate to say it but, I agree with them Sasuke. As far as I know, you only spoke words like 'Hn', 'Dobe', or 'Loser'. that's all the words I ever heard you speak since we were kids, seriously, I was beggining to think that you can't or don't know how to speak.

Sasuke: yeah, yeah. so wanna hang or not?

All: I'm in!

Sasuke: Okay so meet me below the castle grounds, in casual wear, understand?

All: Yeah, got it.

End of Group conversation.

~Timeskip: After changing and going down stairs waiting for the group~

After that I finally saw something with yellow hair shouting and walking towards me, and it was non-other than Naruto Uzumaki. "Long time no see, Sasuke." Naruto said while smiling. "Hn, Dobe" I replied "What' ya call me, Teme?" Naruto said through his clenched teeth. "Hn, Dobe." I replied "Ughh, Teme!" he exclaimed with a very pissed tone, after a while of calling each other names, I finally see the rest of the group coming this way, Kiba on the lead while the others trailed behind. "Yo! Sasuke! been awhile. how are ya?" Kiba yelled as he suddenly started to run towards me, I paled. I knew exactly what he'll do next: he'll tackle me and hug me to death. I started to run away....but it was too late,........I was already losing my breath because Kiba already got hold of me. "Uhh, Kiba. I think you better let go now, Teme's face is already turing blue." Naruto said sweat-droping, after Naruto said that he finally realesed me from his bone-crushing-death hug, after that Shikamaru and Neji finally reached where me, Naruto and Kiba are, (A/N They're clothes are what is shown in the picture above.) "Hey, Uchiha" Neji greeted "Hn, Hyuuga" I greeted back, "*yawn* Sup, Sasuke" Shikamaru greeted "Hn, Shikamaru" I replied.

~Timeskip: The Village~

We're at the light kingdom's village looking around for something to do, this isn't really the first time we've been here in the light kingdom. "Hey, guys I'm hungry lets eat!" Naruto said(more like yelled....) "Hn, Dobe. what do you wanna eat?" I said "Hmm.......Ramen." Naruto said as he started drooling. "Hn." I replied but we bumped into something more-like someone, they were girls judging by they're hight but they didn't fall like other girls, "Hn, watch where your going" said the girl I bumped into with an emotionless voice yet in a sharp and firm tone 'Wait, that's Sakura, I'm sure of it' I thought, when the gang looked down, we were surprised on what we saw especially me, my eyes widened with surprise. I saw......Sakura. And with her were a bunch of girls.

To Be Continued.....

~Dear, Reader
this story is being devided by Sasuke and Sakura's side of the story, I'm sorry if this upsets you or if you do not like it but please bear with me. also in this story Temari is encluded in the konoha girls and also all the Konoha Girls will be Badass encluding Hinata, just like my discription of the story sakura only acts cheery and kind at first or when she likes to, but she really is cold and a badass and only show affection or emotions to her freinds, also I may also forgot to add this in the discription but the konoha girls also pick fights with gangs and take missions, of coarse they're parents know, they're parents also own an organization that enclude fighting, spying, kidnapping, assasinating missions and more, all the people in the whole world know about them, they are so well known from the surface of the earth to the depths of an bottomless abyss they're group is called by the names of "The Bloody Blossoms" or "Angels of Chaos" or even "Devils from Hell" because they always have a cold personality and if they're on any mission that requires killing they show they're apponant no mercy and kills them without hesitating. also, the konoha girls are all princesses from different lands in the light kingdom same goes for sasuke's gang only they're not in an organization or fighting neither that they are badass, but they can fight coz they're also ninjas and they also have magic. but not as skilled only for self-defence. And if your asking what name of the organization the girls are in you will find out soon. BTW in this country the clothes are modern and traditional and ninjas still exist and konoha girls are also high status ninjas even surpassing the Anbu black ops' strongest comander and they're parents. Sakura also shows her cold personality outside casle grounds or if she's talking to her parents if she gets pissed and also if she wants to, same for the rest of the girls. plus, the dark and light are not enemies they are freinds and if your wondering Neji is still Hinata's cousin but didn't yet know but Hinata knows and the rest of the girls only Neji and the rest of the boys don't know. if your also wondering why hinata is light and neji is dark its because some of  they're family members are married to some in the dark side and same for all the girls. the girls also have family members in the dark side and the Akatsuki is good and part of the organization. okay I won't spoil my plans for this story anymore you'll just have to find out the rest okay? Sayonara.

- R.G.

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