The Mission

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Normal Pov.
After the girls left the guys stunned with their little 'dissapearing act' they decided to ditch the patrol around the village and start the mission because they were already running late. So they ran through the forest, they heard shouting somewhere in there, so they followed it assuming it belonged to the group of rouge ninjas. Jumping tree after tree, the shouting got louder and louder; The girls picked their pace and ran faster until they stumbled on a little clearing and saw a group of ninjas, they stopped and waited for what the ninjas will do next. They watched them for minuets until one of them threw a kunai towards their direction they dodged it easily but stayed silent incase it was an accident but another rouge shouted "We know your there come out! or are you afraid?" the girls jumped down and the rouges started laughing. "What are a bunch of puny chicks doing out here?" one of them said Sakura got pissed and stepped forward saying "We are known by the names of 'The Bloody Blossoms', 'Angels of Chaos' and 'Devils of Hell' I'm sure you've of us." she said alittle bit cockily, the rouges shivered but attacked anyway saying things like 'If we slay these chicks we'll be feared all over the entire village!' and 'If we kill these chicks and bring it back to boss we'll be rich!' the girls smirked. Sakura summoned Heaven: a female wolf with peircing yellowish green eyes, pure white fur and has flowing long hair and 8 long tails with light grayish blue ear-tips and some on her front legs. With Angle wings on her back with a few grayish light purple streaks all the way unto her back and ended 6 inches until her tail.

 With Angle wings on her back with a few grayish light purple streaks all the way unto her back and ended 6 inches until her tail

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"Heaven, help me kill these bastards" Sakura said. "Sure thing, Sak." Heaven said as they prepared for battle. While Ino summoned Sunburst also one of Sakura's trained wolves. Sunburst is: a male wolf with yellowish gray eyes and white fur mixed with yellow highlights, the tip of his nose is yellow, same goes for his ears, paws, and tail. While his wings are yellow with white tips.

"Long time no see, Sunburst" Ino said to Sunburst "Yeah

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"Long time no see, Sunburst" Ino said to Sunburst "Yeah. Long time no see, too. Blondie" Sunburst said teasingly "Hey! your blonde too y'know! *sigh* anyway, help me kill these idiots" Ino said. "You got it, Blondie" Sunburst said as they got into battle stance waiting for they're apponant to make the first move. While Hinata Summoned Violet: a female wolf with dark purple fur and wings with black and light blue highlights. She has deep ocean blue eyes that's almost black and a mark on her right ear and nose. She is also one of Sakura's but Sakura let Hinata summon her.

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