The Confession

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Sasuke's Pov.
I woke up to nothing but to my loud-mouthed freind and rival, Naruto........Naruto Uzumaki.
"Oi, Teme! I'mma talkin' to ya! hey! you listening?" He shouted "Shut up, Dobe" I said finally gotten enough with his blabbering around my room.
"Oi, Sasuke-Teme, you were spacing out yesterday, you never space out well......only if something good happened. Sooo what happened yesterday?" he ask "Promise not to say a word to anyone?" I ask "Yeah, yeah! now tell me what happened!" he shouted again "okay, okay! umm......yesterday I kinda went out of the castle grounds and met-up with a yeah, thats what happened." I said then suddenly I feel heat rise up to my face 'I think I'm blushing as red as a tomato right now' I thought "Oh, so how long did you two keep on meeting outside castle grounds" he ask "Two days" I simply said "Ookkaayy, so what's her name?" he ask again "Sakura Haruno" I said "THE Sakura Haruno?" he said enphasizing the 'The' "Yeah, got a problem?" "Dude, Sakura Haruno is the Princess of Light" "Yeah, so? I already know." I said "Dude, does she know your the Prince of Darkness?" he asked "Yeah, she does" I said "okay, well are you inlove with her?" he ask. I blushed "I don't know, everytime I see her I blush, everytime I fell asleep on her lap and her singing to me till' I fall asleep my heart flutters and everytime she smiles I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach" I said stating the truth "So, Teme you really fell for her, huh?" he asked and I just gave a slight nod.

Sakura's Pov.
I woke up and did my daily routin after that I changed my clothes and went down stairs, just to hear "What took you so long girl?!" from my loud-mouthed frenemy, Ino......Ino Yamanaka. "Hey, Forehead! I'm talkin' to ya! hey! you listening?!" Ino shouted "Ugh, stop it with the shouting already, Pig!" I said annoyed "Who're you calling 'Pig', Billboard Brow?!" Ino shouted "You. And who're you calling 'Billboard Brow', Ino-Pig?!" I shouted back "*Sigh* Anyway, where are you going? you kinda look like your going somewhere and you've also been going outside the castle grounds more often--or should I say, Everyday? so tell me where are you going?" Pig said "I'll tell after breakfast. and also your lucky Mother and Father arn't today, I don't want them to know where I'm going" I said "Okay then, eat up" she said.

~Timeskip: After Breakfast~
Sakura's Pov.
After breakfast I led Ino to my room and sat down on my bed with her beside me. "So Forhead, Tell me where your going." she said "Okay, but promise that you won't freak-out and won't tell anyone, promise?" I said "Okay, fine, I promise" she said "Okay then--" I began "I'm meeting-up with the Prince of darkness and chatting with him most-of the time" when I said that her jaw droped and she said "What!? do you even know that he is a cold-hearted and ruthless bastard?!" she said/yelled "Shut up, his not what you think! he's sweet and gentle, he just put that act just to fit in with the rest!" I yelled at her "Okay then, I believe you so, what's his name?" she asked "Sasuke Uchiha" I said simply "Oh, oka--" before she can continue what she's gonna say I cut her off "Wait! what's the time?" I ask "Its 6:00" she said plainly "Damn! I'm late!" "Late for wha--oh! your little meet-up, go own you don't wanna keep your little sweetheart waiting~" she said her tone turning from a surprised one to a sing-song voice "Oka--wait, how'd you know that?" I ask "Huh? wait, so you seriously fell for him?" she asked and all I could do is blush and give a slight nod. "Lets talk about that later,right now go to your little meet-up to wherever you always meet-up" she said sounding like a mother that doesn't want her son/daughter to be late for something "Okay, bye Ino" and with that I headed towards the castle exit and into the forest.

Sasuke's Pov.
'Ugh, I've been waiting for who-knows-how-long, where is she? maybe she's not coming? maybe she doesn't want to see me? maybe she--' 'Ugh, enough already, she's coming, alright?! don't think like that! and by the way we're waiting for--like 1 hour, but hey don't panic she'll come, I'm certain of it' Inner said encouraging me. 'Okay, Inner' I said and suddenly I see, pink hair coming my way 'Speak of the Devil, she's here' Inner said 'yeah, yeah. now be quiet!' I said-half-shouted at Inner. "Yo, Sasuke! did I kept you waiting?" she greeted then asked me "Nah, your just late for an hour anyway." I said and she pouted "Hn, your cute when you pout" I whispered so she can't hear me but, eventually failed, "Thanks Sasuke, and yes I heard what you whispered" she said with a grin and slowly faded turning into a smirk "Hey, wanna sleep on my lap like always? I kinda miss your sleeping face everytime we part ways.....I guess I kinda grown used to it." she said with her smirk still plastered on her face 'What on earth is she thinking, I wonder?' I thought before I nodded and we sat beside each other and she placed my head on her lap, "Hey, wanna sing a duet?" she ask and I nodded "You start first, okay? I know almost all the songs in the world thanks to my archives!" she said "Okay" I replied, sitting up and began to sing a song--infact, its my favorite, its called 'Demons'

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