The Preparations/Bonding

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Sakura's Pov.
I, as usual woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside and the sunrays hiting my face, filling it with warmth. I yawned and tried to stand up, but an arm around my waist was preventing me to, I turned around to see whose arm around my waist belonged to and saw Sasuke still asleep. 'What the hell--Oh, yeah. Now I remember.' I thought as I remembered the events last night, I smiled and shifted to my left to face Sasuke's sleeping face. I caressed his cheek and smiled, his sleeping face is making me sleepy again, after a few minuets I of staring at his face eventually fell asleep.....Again.


Ino's Pov.
I woke up because of my darn alarm clock. 'Ooh well, better get up and punish that Forehead. We never even got to have fun because when SHE went home with HIM, my fun--I mean mine and the girls' fun was ruined! We were supposed to work! And after that have a drink or two~ When she left with Sasuke, me and the girls ended up with an angry boss scolding us because Sakura left without telling him!' I thought alittle annoyed and growled at the thought. I got dressed in my casual wear to go, get the girls and go shopping---Oh did I forget to mention that today the lands of Light and Dark are having a festival when both sides come together and celebrate as one, so we girls have a day off. Anyway I called the girls on group call.

Group Call Conversation:

Ino: Hey girls! Wanna head out and go shopping?

Hinata: Mmm......Sure.

Temari: Sure, I got nothin' to do.

Tenten: Hell yeah, I'm in!

Ino: Okay! But......where's Sakura?

Temari: Dunno, Maybe still asleep.

Ino: *sigh* Okay, lets get dressed and go bardge in Sakura's room and draw on her face. So game?

Girls: Game!

End of Call....

'Okaay! We're gonna bardge in Sakura's room! This is gonna be exciting!' I thought smirking and imagining what will Sakura react if we did that, huehuehue! And for an extra bonus: I'll invite the boys! so I called the boys.


Naruto's Pov.
I was about to change when all of a sudden my phone rang, I looled at the callers name and it was Ino, so I picked it up.

Phone Conversation:

Naruto: Hello?

Ino: Hey, Naru!

Naruto: Naru? Ino I think you called the wrong number. You see, I'm Naruto not Naru.

Ino: Its YOU, you dimwit! 'Naru' is just a nickname I made for you, idiot!

Naruto: Oh. Anyway what d'ya want?

Ino: Well.....I was wondering if you and your guyfreinds care to join us on bardging in Sakura's room and drawing on her face while she's still asleep?

Naruto: Sure, but have you asked the guys already?

Ino: No. that's why I'm asking you, stupid.

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