Sasuke's Boys Meets Sakura's Girls (Sakura's Side)

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Sakura's Pov.
I woke up to nothing but my phone ringing non-stop. I looked who the caller was and its non-other than Ino, my loud-mouth bestfreind. 'Why does she have to call this early in the morning?' I thought annoyed and answered it.

Phone conversation:

Sakura: What to do want, Pig.

Ino: Just wanna remind you that we need to go on patrol then we have a mission if you already forgotten, billboard, I already called the gang we'll meet you in our usual meeting room in the castle.

Sakura: Got it, Ino. And tell them to wear our usual mission armor and weapons, okay? the mission we're taking is just to kill a group of 15 rouge ninjas anyway, they're not that strong for us to use our other armors and weapons anyway.

Ino: 'Kay, I'll tell them, see 'ya later, Sakura.

Sakura: Hn, see 'ya later, Ino.

End of call

After that I walked to the bathroom to take a bath.

~Timeskip: After taking a shower and dressing up/putting on your armor~

After putting on my armor, I grabbed my usual sword and went to our usual waiting room. When I got there I see Ino wearing her usual armor and bow & arrow.

I also see Hinata with her usual not-so-armored clothing and her usual sword with a key-like tip, because she doesn't really like revealing clothes and our armors are just too revealing.

Then I saw Tenten coming this way wearing usual not-so-armored clothing but revealing like mine and Ino's armors with her usual giant summoning scroll where she stores her weapons that she uses to attack.

With Temari trailing behind her wearing her not-so-armored clothing that's almost simillar to hinata's with her usual giant fan.

And finally me, wearing my usual armor with my usual sword.

"Hey, Sakura! ready to go?" Tenten asked me "Hn, ready as I'll ever be." I replied. "Okay, then lets go." Temari said "Hn." I replied the nodded "Hai." Hinata said then nodded "Hm." Ino and Tenten replied then nodded and with that, we went outside to do a patrol around the village then go to start our mission. when we passed by a dango stand Tenten asked if we could eat because we forgot to eat breakfast, we agreed then started to order. "Hey, Sakura. I heard from Ino that your hanging out with someone from the dark side, is it true?" Temari asked "Yeah, but theres no problem is there?" I replied "No. no, there isn't any problem with that because our land and their's are allies, freinds, not to mention their our neigboring kingdom, so there's no problem." she said "Just make sure to keep it a secret and make sure only us and our parents know for now, okay?" I said and the group just nodded their heads. "So, is he handsome?" Hinata and Tenten asked in unison "Yeah, he is, but let's not talk about that in public. I'll tell you after our mission, understand?" I asked they just nodded they're heads again. After we ate we continued our patrol, then some guy bumped into me "Hn, watch where your going." I said emotionless-ly yet with a sharp and firm tone. When I looked up I saw Sasuke with a shocked face and eyes wide, I smirked "Hey there, Sasuke" when I said that, the boys he's with, looked from my freinds to me shocked because I know their freind's name. Me and my freinds have special abilities and one of them is the ability to read minds. The blond with whiskers on his face was thinking 'What the hell, she's hot and why or how does she know Sasuke-Teme?' I smirked again at that thought, then I used again my other ability. The ability to research anything in my mind without using any books, just need to describe him and his information will pop-in right into my mind. 'Ohh, so his name is Naruto Uzumaki, huh?' I thought "Well thanks for the compliment, Naruto but I'm not really that hot. I think your just exaggerating." I said and it quite shocked him and I can see Sasuke quietly growling at him, but its enough for me to hear. "How-wha-why-do-wha-!?" Naruto said confused. "How did you know what I was thinking?" he added while he stared at me wide-eyed "I have abilities, and I take it that you haven't heard of us." I said emotionless-ly. "Yeah, we haven't. And what is it there to know about you girls?" Naruto said quite confused."*sigh* Come with us we'll tell you information you need to know about my group" I said as I transported us to my room where also my secret study-room is located. "Uhhh, Sakura? is this your room?" Sasuke asked "Yeah" I simply said with my poker-face on "Why are we here? I thought you said you'll tell us information about your little group that I never really heard of. plus, how did we get here? we were just at the village awhile ago." A guy with long brown hair with the same eyes as Hinata. I take it that he's Neji Hyuuga. "Well Neji, we're here in my room because my secret studies or library is located in here and yes I'll tell you the information when we get there, and we got here because I teleported us here. Oh--and no, I didn't know yours and Naruto's name because I stalked you both its because I used my Archives ability to know all your information, and I know you want proof okay I'll tell you then. Your Neji Hyuuga cousin of the Heiress of the Light side of the Huuga Clan, Hinata Hyuuga and son of Hizashi Hyuuga. your also the Heir to the Dark side of the clan, I'm sure you don't know yet but yes Hinata here is your cousin. Your also the prince of the south part of the Dark kingdom, your a man of few words and a good fighter. and now for you blondie: Your Naruto Uzumaki, son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Even though your real name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. But you didn't like that your name is long so in public you call yourself 'Naruto Uzumaki' you used your mother's surname or should I say your middle name as your surname in public, your the Prince of the East. You call sasuke: 'Teme' or 'Bastard' in english you also made a nickname for Sasuke and that is 'Sasuke-Teme' while Sasuke calls you 'Loser' and nicknamed you as 'Dobe' you both are frenemies like me and my frenemy Ino Yamanaka but anyway through all the fighting your the closest person to sasuke and have a more deeper bond with him more that anyone in the group besides me of coarse and if your asking why I said 'besides me' is....well that's for Sasuke to tell okay? are you satisfied with the information now, Babe?" I told Neji and Naruto. The boys hung they're mouths wide even the cold Sasuke and the Lazy Shikamaru "What's so surprising about what I said? and this is the first time I ever saw the ever so cold Uchiha and the very lazy Shikamaru Nara surprised befor" I said while smirking. "Uhh....Sakura? Tick Tock! we need to hurry its already 12:00 and we still need to continue the patrol we have around the village and then go to start our mission!" Ino exclaimed. "Okay okay, pig. C'mon guys lets go to my studies and go on with the information, kapish? okay, follow me" I said as I pull one of the lamshades on the wall to reveal a red button, I pressed it and the tiles under my queen-sized bed went up with my bed still attached to it to reveal a secret passage on the floor. "Follow me" I said as the passage closed as the last person came in "Be quiet and don't get lost there are some wild animals guarding this place so no one can intrude in my studies, understand?" I asked and they nodded so we began walking towards my studies left and right but I stopped in my tracks when heard Naruto scream "Hheeelllpp!! Sakuraa! Dragoonss! Everybody Ruun!!" he shouted at us when I turned around I saw my dragons: a light purple one with angle-like dragon wings, Flame and a dark purple with dark pink one with scaly dragon wings, Abyss.

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