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Greetings! So my name is....not really important so just call me any name you find suitable, okay? And be informed that my chapters are very long compared to other books so you may be allowed to skip chapters if your bored. Anyway, this is my first time writing a book and showing it online so please bear with me, okay? I now bid you farewell, well...for now that is.

Sakura Haruno: The Badass Princess of Light that sometimes act like a proper lady infront of everyone but, once she gets tired of the act...she'll start acting like a badass gangster.

Sakura is a girl with Cherry Blossom Pink hair, Emerald colored eyes, Heart-Shaped Face and a Figure that every girl/boy wants.

She is an expert at everything she do like: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu, so it figures that she gets alot of attetion. But despite all that, she is a type of girl who wants to be alone and don't really talk much. She has a cool personality and a super hot body(A/N: Not to be a pervert.).Though her personality made people think that she's cold-hearted, which is quite true; But despite her personality which causes people to think she doesn't have a kind and loving side they still love/like her or whatever...That's because they find her personality quite attractive not to mention her tough attitude and plus her figure, who could ever resist her? But of course she has a kind and loving side but she only shows her kindness to her friends: Ino, Tenten, Temari and Hinata; but when she's fighting her battles she's as fierce as a tiger. Sakura and her freinds are all part of an organization owned by their parents; The girls are all princesses if they're not on missions for the organization, which is very rare so...they're spicifically patrolling around the village every day, so they're basically normal Princesses having fun or Anbus patrolling around the village at day but deadly ninja assasins at night. They also have a special ability that only they posses, that ability called 'Magic'. Of course not everyone in their village has magical powers because some preffered to be ninjas or ninjas and have magic but people in the village only have one magic they possess, the girls are different 'cause they possess over 20 magics but only Sakura learned or was born with magic, Every magic in fact. Anyway...their group is known all over the world, but don't know their real name of the group so people make names suitable for them.

Sasuke Uchiha: The Kind-Hearted Prince of Darkness that acts like a cold-hearted bastard to the people he doesn't like or to the people he's uncomfortable with or people he doesn't know, but if you look closely you could see kindness hidden behind his black majestic eyes.

Sasuke is a boy with Raven hair, Black eyes, Heart-Shaped Face and a Body every girl/boy wants.

He is an expert at everything he do like: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu. and has a kind and caring personality and is so kind to everyone he meets thats why everyone is attracted to him but they don't just like his kind peronality they also like his cold one. Sasuke may be kind and loving but not towards those people he hates. Sasuke and his freinds are trained ninjas but only used for self-defence, they aren't really allowed to go on missions unlike Sakura and her freinds but aso uses magic, but unlike the girls they can only use two types of magic.

I wonder what will happen if these two pollar opposites were to meet. Read it and find out more in the story.


And by the way I don't own NARUTU, 'cause if I do....Sakura wouldn't fawn over Sasuke, she wouldn't be so weak and a crybaby and she will join the Akatsuki and betray the leaf.  

                                            --- Unknown.....

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