Chapter 7

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Her hand traced the names that were chiseled into concrete. There were the ones she recognized like: Minho, Gally, Alby and of course Newt. There were several names that she did not know yet, but she was sure after a week or two she was come to know them as well. There were quite a few people in the Glade, but they were a family. Everyone knew everyone and she assumed that she would be no different... at least she hoped it would be that way.

The names that caught her attention though were the ones that had a gash running through the center of them. Her fingertips traced the letters G-E-O-R-G-E. She cringed slightly as her finger ran across the long, jagged line that crossed through it. She had not been there long, but she was pretty sure she knew what that meant. She had no idea who George was (she had never met him). She felt grief when she read the name though. He had been in the same boat as her (as all of them). A 'greenie' with no memories and no way of knowing who or where they were.

The voice that came from behind her caused her to jump. She knew the voice well, but despite the comfort and familiarity of the sound the unexpected company startled her, "The Glade wasn't always such a nice place, ya know?"

Newt placed a hand on her shoulder, "Sorry. Didn't meant to scare ya."

She smiled weakly to let him know she was not concerned with his greeting. She felt her cheeks heat up slightly and she silently prayed that it was not visible to the naked eye. She felt silly and stupid, but it was not like she could help it. Plus Newt had been there for her from the start. It was not like anyone, but Gally had been horrid to her, but he sat and talked with her while she was in the pit... even when she still was not talking to him. She was not sure what it was, but there was something about him that she was drawn to and made her blush when he touched her.

Newt tried his best not to smile, but it was hard. He did not want to be overly confident here, but he was pretty sure this was a good sign. He would make sure to ask Minho what he thought about it later... when she was not around. You know, just in case he was wrong. Newt caught her hint when her gaze returned to the wall. "Everyone's name gets carved once they remember. It's the one thing they let us keep. We don't know who put us here. Creators we call 'em. Don't really know what else to call the bloody bastards. It might be silly, but we do this so no one's forgotten. There's been too many people that have died making this place what it is. That's why everyone takes the rules so seriously. 'Specially Alby. Who knows where we'd be with 'im."

She did not take what Newt was saying lightly. This maze that everyone spoke of was apparently a living hell. She had about a hundred questions about the 'maze' that she hoped he would answer next. He seemed to be good at guessing what she was asking without having to say anything.

"Alby tell ya 'bout the maze yet?"

She smiled at Newt and shook her head. His hand moved to her back as he led her to the center of life at the Glade, "Come on. I'll tell ya over some food. I'm starving."

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