New Guy

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Hey, my name is Amanda. I really would enjoy it if you would stick around to hear my story. Let me tell you a bit about myself, I'm 22 years old, I have 5 older brothers, and I don't date. At least I don't anymore. You see my last boyfriend cheated on me with my so called best friend. I was a wreck, so I just don't get too close. I distance myself from others.

I make good grades, but I just graduated so I don't make grades at all anymore so that's over. I live in a nice little apartment in New York. I also like Starbucks, but that's not we are talking about right now.

Okay, so it goes like this....,"Yes mom, I have all the things I need for work. Yes I have my lunch. Yes I have my phone and business. MOM, I'm fine."

My mom looks out for me a lot since I'm the only girl in the family. To be honest I would love to turn back time and the only thing I had to worry about is if my brothers stole the good yogurt from the back of the fridge. But I'm a women, I can do this. "I CAN'T DO THIS!!!" I scream at my room mate/best friend Sarah.

"Calm down!" She said chuckling, "You will do great. Don't forget, Tom is coming for dinner tonight." Tom is the guy that we are super good friends with but Sarah likes him.

"Oh right, Tom." I said with a smirk and a wink. "Shut up." She squeaked. "Sorry. Oh yeah don't you forget to take that muffin basket thingy to the new guy next door." I said just to make sure she at least knew we had a new neighbor.

"Why don't you your about to go down that way anyway. Plus, I'm about to take a shower." She said with a look on her face that made me feel certain that she didn't want to talk to other people this morning. "Fine. Only because I'm about to walk out the door." Glaring at her. She just smiled patted me on the head and walked off going to her bedroom filled with posters.

We are a bit of fan girls. We talk about boys, books, movies, boys, oh did I mention boys. She is obsessed with this One Direction band. I don't understand in the slightest how she remembers their names or faces.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled through the door. She just sang along with "History" by of course One Direction. I just sighed and walked out the door locking it behind me.

I just knocked on the door and waited. And waited. Then came up a guy shirtless witch I won't lie I would never ever give him a shirt. "H-hey. Umm I-I'm Amanda. I l-live next door." He chuckled and said with a smile, "Sup' I'm Sam. I live right here." I laughed and snorted. "Smooth," I said under my breath.

"What's that you got there." He said with a wink. I will tell you I was so smooth. That was a lie I almost fell. "A muffin basket. It's from me and my roommate Sarah." I said trying to keep a steady breath. "Oh, cool you will have to let us meet at some point." "Yeah, a-actually we are having a friend come over tonight if you want to come over. We're having pizza and ice cream. We are also going to watch a movie." I said that sounded confident but when I look back on it I think I mumble about half of that.

"Sure, I'd love to. I mean yea I think I'm free." I could tell he was doing that to make me feel better..... it worked. "Okay we'll be sure to leave a bit early. I hear that this hallway gets pretty crowded around rush hour." He chuckled. "Well I'll try my best." He said with a smirk. "You better." I said as I was trying to act natural trying to act like he had a shirt on." Well I'll see ya around muffin." He said. I blushed furiously. "Bye wash board." He blushed so red it was the color of the door.

A/N: Hey, I hope you enjoyed my first part I will try and update almost everyday. I'm about to be in summer so I will be free in the next couple of weeks. But life sometimes gets in the way. Please remember to comment(please no hate), vote and share my story. Love you and stay beautiful. ;*

Amanda Heartily: Anna Kendrick
Niall Horan: himself
Sarah: Emma Roberts
Sam: Zac Efron
Louis: himself
Liam: himself
Luke: Grant Gustin
Henry: Evan Peters
James: Finn Wittrock
Alex: Cameron Palatas
Jonathan: Connor Franta
                 Tom: Logan Paul
Ann Heartily: Sandra Bullock
Robert Heartily: Tom Cruise

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