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A/N: What up again! So this is what happened after what happened in the chapter before...so let's go!

After that while incident I decided that I would apologize.

And so I did it at lunch since we had the same lunch.

I saw her and I said my apology to her.

I think she didn't listen because her back was turned, but I didn't really care.

At least I said my apology, now she has to apologize to me now.

But this girl though, she's so annoying.

She thinks she the one on top.

But to be honest her eyes disgust me, one eye is like normal but the other one is like all over the place.

She carrys this huge bag around that's filled with snacks and stuff like that.

She makes people give up sweater and jackets or make them go to her locker so that she can wear the clothing.

Like seriously, why do you need to make people do all this stuff just to make you happy?

Cause girl, I've been worse than you.

She was probably on her period if she over reacted like that.

But you know what I dont care because she's a reason why I want to lash out.

But being a good person, I kept it in.

Also she sleeps in class which is annoying because she keeps on saying that she would wake up when my teacher would ask, but we literally have to continously poke her or shake her just to wake her up.

But yet she says that she needs more sleep??

Seriously girl, who raised you?

You being a drama queen and a snob, is always true.

You just want attention, you just want everything, you just want to have popularity, you just want to be that one girl who always reacts to everything.

Just stop it because it's not working!!

You only have friends because of food, and thats pretty much it.

And you probaly force people to be your friends right?

Cause that's what I think, and I don't want to but that's what you've made me think about you.

You might see me as a sweet, innocent, kind girl.

But under that lies a world unknown to anyone but me.

A/N: Yay!! I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest!

Thank you for reading this portion, if you have anyway of helping me with this situation please comment!!

But it might be solved in a couple of days so...yeah!

Thank you if you did send me some help and support!!

I love you guys, bye now!!

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