(14) Playing Games

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Ava's Pov

I woke up today hearing nothing but silence. It's been silent in my house for the past week. Jacob hasn't talked to me once ever since the day I told him I was hanging out with Cameron. Kian and Jc hasn't  talked to me either.

Yeah I miss them, but I'm actually enjoying life. Cameron and I have been together this whole week. Today Cameron was coming over because I needed to take a picture of him for my college class.


"This one looks good." I say

"Yeah, I like that one." Cameron smiles as he looks down at my camera screen.

"How about we go to lunch?" Cameron asks as he looks back up.

"Sure." I smile

"Let's go." Cameron says

"Okay." I say

We walk to his car and start to drive to a cafe near my house.


As we sat down at a table I looked around the cafe and locked eyes with Jc. Oh shit. Jacob, Kian, and Jc were sitting at the table a few away from mine and Cameron's.

"So Cameron how was your photo shoot yesterday?" I ask

"It was good, so how you holding up with the guys not talking to you?" Cameron asks

"To be honest I don't really care. They are just ignoring me. Finally some peace and quiet." I say

Cameron laughs.

Just then I feel something hit me. I look down and see a sugar packet in my lap. I look back up and see Kian holding a pile of them in his hand. I roll my eyes and turn back to Cameron.

"So I decided to start filming YouTube videos again." Cameron says

"Oh that's cool, want me to help you film?" I ask

"Sure that would be great." Cameron smiles

"We could start to film-" I start to say but I was cut off by a crouton hitting me.

I look up and see Kian laughing with a salad sitting in front of him. I turn back to the table and look at Cameron's food.

"Hey Cameron can I borrow that?" I ask

"Yeah?" Cameron says confused

I picked up his plate of pasta and walk over to the guys table.

"Oh hi guys." I say

None of them respond.

"Nice to see you guys too. This plate of pasta is so heavy, I think I might just drop it. Oh whoops." I sarcastically say as I pour the pasta onto Kian's lap.

"My bad." I smile

None of them say anything.

"Have a nice day guys." I smile

I walk back to Cameron.

"You're crazy." Cameron laughs

"He was asking for it." I say

"Let's get out of here." Cameron says

"Yeah." I smile


Cameron left the house around 3 because I needed to study for a test I had in my class. I couldn't really focus because my phone kept on going off so I turned it off so it wouldn't make noise. Jacob popped his head through the door and looked at me.

"Hi." I say

He just closes the door.



It's 7 now and I barely remember anything that I just read. All of a sudden I heard loud music coming from next door. I look out my window to see Kian and Jc throwing a party at their house. Of course they do it the one night I have to study.

Jacob's Pov

"Aye Kian, Ava just texted me saying to fuck off. She's hurt." I laugh

"Do you think she's actually mad?" Kian asks

"No she knows that Cameron is causing this. It's her fault for keeping him around." I say

"You're right. Let's go take shots." Kian says

"Fuck yeah." I say


Ava's Pov

The noise was too distracting so I chose to take my textbooks and drive to Cameron's house to hopefully get some peace and quiet. I knock on his door and wait for him to answer. He opens the door and smiles at me.

"Hey, the guys are having a party and I can't focus on my studying because of the noise." I say

"They're assholes." Cameron says

"Can I study here?" I ask

"Of course, stay here as long as you want." Cameron says

"Thanks." I smile


The next morning I wake up with my textbooks sprawled out all over the floor and Cameron asleep. I grab my books and write a note for Cameron.

Went home to get clothes coming back later. Ty for letting me stay over!
- Ava

I put the note next to his phone and walk downstairs. I grab my phone on the way out and go to my car. I drive home and enter the house. No one's home. I guess Jacob slept at the guy's house. I grab clothes and put them in a bag. I pack my charger, camera, and laptop as well. I put my bag on the couch and grab a water bottle from the kitchen.

"Where you off to?" Jacob asks as he suddenly appears in the kitchen.

"Oh so finally you talk to me?" I ask

"Yeah where you going?" Jacob asks

"I'm staying at Cameron's house until you guys are done with your little game." I say

"This started because of Cameron." Jacob says

"It started because of you guys, not Cameron so go get a life and stop messing with mine." I say

"Oh burn." Jc says coming out of no where. Kian laughs behind him.

"Bye." I say

I grab my stuff and walk out of the house.

Lover boy's POV

There she goes once again. This time it could be final.

"Guys we need to end this." I say

"No." They both say

I wish this was over, but it only seems like it's the beginning.


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