Chapter 4

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Natasha p.o.v
We were getting ready to go on the mission. The location was on IKEA. There has been a report that 10 women had been using this location to place drugs, and weapons that have been transfer illegally. Sam was the employee that had access to take us to the place where the drugs and weapons were at. While Sharon, Steve, Mike and I were supposed to be the clients. Sharon and Steve were engaged so were Mike and I. In our way to IKEA I was forced to sit next to Steve thanks to Sam. I still kept my distance though cause I was mad at the fact that he treated me like a piece of shit. He didn't have the right to ask about my personal life. Steve and I were so close his arm would keep touching my thigh. My heart would jump with every touch every time. I was talking to Mike making sure he knew exactly what to do. He would keep calling me Miss Romanoff and I would keep telling him to stop calling me that.At some point I threaten him by saying
"If you call me Miss Romanoff once again Mike, I swear that you will find out why people call me The Black Widow".
"Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry just a habit of mine NATASHA" he made sure to emphasize my name letting me know that he had listen to me.
"Okay good I wouldn't like to hurt you now would I know" I said almost asking him.
"NO please don't" he said chuckling. I just laughed and felt like Steve's stare but I ignore him and kept taking to Mike until the car came to a stop.
"Okay enough talking and more working that's what you all get payed for" Steve said glaring at Mike.
Mike hasn't even done anything to him. The fight was between him and me. What an immature idiot. I heard Steve calling my name for the 100th time.
"What?" I said annoyingly.
"Agent Romanoff, I need your assistance right now" Steve said. Why does he act like a big baby? Two can play that game.
"Yes Captian Rogers" I said as politely as I managed.
" Well Sharon and I will be going to Sam first. Then you and Mike will come after us. Did I make myself clear Agent Romanoff" he said.
"Yes Sir" was all I said and went back to Mike to tell him the plan.
Steve and Sharon went to Sam whose employee name was David. Steve and Shadon played there engagement role really well, not well for my liking. What I didn't expect was Steve kissing Sharon. And not just any kiss, oh no, it was a fucking 'my tongue is down your throat' type of kiss. My blood was pumping from how pissed I was. But Steve deserves someone like Sharon. Unlike Sharon and Steve who we were hugging each other and acting like they were each other's world. Mike and I held hands until we reached the back of the faculty. I saw Sam waiting for us and turned around to inform Rogers. Sharon and Steve were kissing. And not undercover. I quickly looked away and started working.
" Well Cap let Sharon catch her breath she is not a super soldier like you and can't hold her breath for as long as you can"
Sharon laughed and blushed while Steve just placed his arm around her. I was struggling to get this heavy object out of the way to get the drugs and weapons so I asked Mike for his help.
"Mike would you come here for a sec. I can't get this thing out of the way. I know I'm superhero but I'm not Thor" I said.
"Yeah sure" he went and picked it up like it weighted nothing.
" Wow Cap looks like somebody here can steal your job" Sam said jokingly.
" Shut the hell up Sam" Steve and I said at the same time that brought a smirk to Sam face.
" Well looks like you two are connected somehow huh" Sam said.
" Whatever" we said together and I turn around and kept working. Sharon and Steve did not work at all. Once Sam, Mike and I got done with the job we started heading to the car and then headed home with Sharon and Steve behind us. After we all got to the house Mike said goodbye to everyone and said he hope to work with us again someday. I felt kind of sad that he had to leave but it was our job. Before he left he gave me his phone number which I happily accepted. Than he gave me a kiss in the cheek and left. I was going up stairs when I felt a hand touch mine.
"Natasha" I heard Steve say.
"I think you meant Agent Romanoff" I said in an angry tone.
"Look I'm sorry Nat okay" Steve said.
"Don't call me Nat" shocked over took his features.
"Oh did I hurt your feelings. Well I'm sorry Mr. Rogers" I said harshly.
" Look I didn't mean to hurt you" Steve tried to speak but I didn't let him finish.
" No Rogers. You don't trust me how can I not be hurt?You treated me like I was some sort of intern. Well news flash Cap I've been here way before we pulled you out ice. So let me make it easy and simply for you. Let's keep the social interaction to a mere minimum. Work related only." I said.
"What do you mean??" He said angrily.
"It's easier to be acquaintances rather than adding the extra effort to be friends. I'll stick to the one that requires less work Rogers!" I said turning around with tears in my eyes. Steve yanked my wrist aggressively. My tears were a dead give away of hurt I was.
"You don't mean that" he said softly
" Damn right I do" I said coldly. I harshly pushed him away and went to my room leaving him stunned.

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