Sequel chapter!

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Natasha p.o.v
I was playing with my babies when suddenly I heard a faint voice say
"Natasha you have to wake up! Please wake up don't do this to me"
I couldn't make out where this voice came from.
"Steve honey who's calling me?" I asked him.
"I don't know I guess you've been gone too long and they want you back" Steve said.
"What?! Who wants me back? From what?" I asked confused.
"Your friends. I'm going to miss you Nat I will but we knew this was going to happen at some point" Steve said hugging me and taking the kids with him.
"What are you doing Steve?!" I asked him angrily.
"You have to go back and we are the only thing keeping you from it Nat. We are keeping you from going back to the real life. I'm sorry" Steve said and with that he left with my kids.
"NO STEVE COME BACK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I scream and scream. When nobody came back I began to cry harder and harder.
"Please I would not be able to live with myself if something happens to you. You are my only family now" I hear again. It's a girl's voice. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my heart. My vision was becoming blurry and I saw Steve with my kids and I heard Steve say
"Goodbye" and with that everything went black.
I wake up in a hospital the light blinded me and I saw a girl sleeping in the couch. Wanda. What happened? Why am I in a hospital bed. I tried to get up but my head hurt to much and I felt Wanda stand up.
"Oh my- you are awake I can't believe it!- Doctors she's awake! Hurry she woke up!" Wanda yelled happily and a few tears ran down her cheek.
"Wh-what is happening? Why am I in a hospital bed Wanda?!" I asked confused.
"Please wait outside we got to examine her you can come back once we are done" the doctor said and Wanda nodded and left the room.
After like an hour of examinations and blood tests and what not the doctor let Wanda in.
"What happen?!" I asked coldly.
"You don't remember?" Wanda asked softly.
"Remember what?!" I asked.
"The mission. The accident. The reason why you are in this bed right now" Wanda said.
"No" I said confused.
"Umm.. Well I'll tell you what happen then" she said.
"Okay go ahead" I said.
"We were on a mission with everybody Tony, Sam, Vision, Sharon,Clint,Steve, you and I" she began and I nodded for her to continue.
"We were almost done with the mission and I was with you and Steve finishing some things off when a bomb was thrown at Steve" she said
"Wanda you got the building clear up!" Steve said.
"Yes" Wanda said.
"Okay report to Widow" he said.
"Roger that" I said and went over to Natasha.
"Hey Nat you ready" I said.
"Yeah I don't think there is anybody else left to kill so" Natasha said seriously. She looked over at Steve and yelled.
"WANDA STEVE!" Pointing towards the bomb that had landed behind him and I went over to Steve and pushed him aside and destroyed the bomb with my powers when suddenly I heard BOOM! and Steve yelling Natasha's name and calling Tony over the walkie-talkie. I turned around and saw Natasha laying on the floor unconscious with blood in her head.
End of Flashback
"And that's why you are here" Wanda explain.
"How long have I've been out?" I asked.
"3 weeks and 4 days" Wanda said.
"WHAT?!" I asked surprised and angry at the same time. So everything that happen was just a dream. Steve.Love. Kids. Family. Everything was just a dream.
"You were in a comma. You are lucky to be alive" Wanda said.
"Natasha I wanted to say that I was s-" he began but I cut her off.
"It's not your fault Wanda. You didn't know" I said sweetly.
"But if only I knew that bomb had been there you wouldn't had been in this bed for almost a month" she said guilt in her voice.
"But you didn't and I'm here now and thank you for considering me family" I said with a smile.
"You heard" Wanda asked shocked.
"I did" I said and hugged me.
What happens now?
Hey guys so how you like the sequel. Cliffhanger sorry. I hope you like the book but I promise it will be a good and juicy book.I will not be updating as much as I did before because I'm starting school next week and sophomore year so. Don't worry I will find time to update.
Love Bri 💋💋💋

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