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Hello my beautiful family,
If you get any new updates from this book it probably means that I'm editing that chapter, I am NOT updating any new chapters....yet(I might add a bonus chapter to honor the premiere of Endgame—but I'm not sure)

Have you guys watched Avengers:Endgame.
I already did(duh 💁🏻‍♀️) and it's really good, I'm not giving away any spoilers but if you have comment down below your thoughts???
Oh and for those of you that haven't watched the movie, refrain from reading the comments, just in case of unwanted SPOILERS!
Ps: be prepare to be an emotional wreck, there are so many phases that marvel fans go through, and I love it. You will laugh and cry and maybe do both at the same time(might look a little crazy but it's okay because the person next to you will probably be doing the same)

Super proud of the fact that Marvel broke the box office with 1.2 billion dollars on premiere weekend. World record.

Okay lovelies I'm done ranting, and after you've watched Endgame come back and let's have a heart to heart conversation!
Love you all and take care! 💕

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