Chapter 37

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Natasha p.o.v
"Hey Nat?" Bruce said.
"Um..hey doing here?" I asked nervously.
"Well the team called me and I decided to come back" Bruce explain.
"Hey Bruce" Steve said from behind me.
"Hey Steve" Bruce said. Steve wrapped an arm around me and Bruce looked shocked. I quickly got of his grip and moved away from him a little bit. I still had feeling for Bruce and I just got so nervous around him.
"Are we going to tell them?" Steve whispered.
"Maybe later. It's not a good time" I said.
"Is it because Bruce is here?" Steve asked.
"No" I said too quickly.
We were all in the living room and Bruce and I started talking.
"So are you and Steve a thing now?" Bruce asked.
"No we are just friends that's all" I lied.
"Ohh that's nice to know" Steve said anger and sadness in his voice. He walked away and started talking to Sam. I couldn't move and I didn't wanted to move. I just wanted to stay where I was and talk to Bruce which was what I did.
"So how has life been treating you?" I asked Bruce.
"Well I have finally had time for myself and I have just thought some things about my life and stuff" he said.
"And some of those things are me?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm going to sleep see you later Nat" he said.
"Oh okay bye" I said. I turned around to see that Steve wasn't with Sam anymore and that he had left. I went to Steve's room to find myself with a locked door. He never locked his door but I guess I deserved it.
Steve p.o.v
I can't believe Natasha said we were nothing. She is pregnant with my baby yet we are nothing. She didn't even came to tell me sorry or explain things but just kept taking to Bruce like I meant nothing she is been a total bitch. After I had enough of Nat and Bruce I left and went to my room and locked so Natasha couldn't come in. I went to sleep with loneliness beside me.
I woke up and went to the dining room. I made eye contact with Nat and looked away and sat right next to Sam and Tony. Natasha didn't even tried to talk to me because she was too focus talking with Bruce.
Natasha p.o.v
"How you sleep Bruce?" I asked.
"I slept better then Steve I can tell" he said chuckling.
"Yeah. So are you doing anything today?" I asked.
"No. Not really why?" He asked.
"Oh I was wondering if you want to watch a movie with everybody else of course in the movie theater that Tony bought" I said.
"Sure" he said and felt really happy.
"Great" I said giggling. I heard something and I turned around.
"Excuse me" Steve said getting up. Sam followed Steve out of the dining area.
"Ow yeah and before I forget we have a mission to which Agent Romanoff is no longer require so she can stay" Steve said bitterly.
"Why so Rogers?" I asked trying to play it cool.
"Because I say so!"Steve said.
"Well whatever you say Captain America" I said.
"Sharon you will be replacing Agent Romanoff" Steve said.
"Okay Stevie. I'll go get ready can I come with you?" She asked.
"Sure now hurry up and get ready for the mission. Sam you are coming with us" Steve said and Sam nodded.
"You're replacing me with Sharon that is impossible" I said a little annoyed.
"Well it's possible because it's happening" Steve said coldly.
"You know what I need to talk to you" I said getting up and heading his direction.
"Sorry Romanoff but unlike you I need a job to get done. Let's go Sam" Steve said and walked away.
Well it looks like I'm going to talk to him when he comes back. Meanwhile I can spend time with Bruce.
Steve p.o.v
I'm so mad at Natasha right now I think it might be good that I'm leaving for the mission.
Time skip
We finished the mission. I got a wound but it will heal pretty fast and it's nothing to worry about. We came back and we all went to the movie theater where Jarvis said the team was at. As we enter I saw Natasha sitting next to Bruce and he had his arm wrapped around Natasha. That was it I had with Natasha. I went and sat a few seats away from Natasha and Sharon followed Natasha didn't even notice do was there. I guess she was having too much fun with him.
"Are you okay Steve? I can get the first aid kit and clean the wound for you before it gets infected?" Sharon asked.
"It's fine I'll clean it after the movie is over. We only have like 10 minutes left of the movie so I'll do it once we are done.
"If that's what you want" she said seating next to me. The movie finished and Bruce removed his arm away from Nat. I got up and was heading to my room when I heard Sharon yelled.
"THANKS BUT IM FINE" I yelled and left the movie theater.
"Steve are you okay?" Natasha asked.
"I don't need to tell you anything" I said not looking back.
"Did you got hurt?" She asked again.
I kept walking and reached my room.
"Are you not going to talk to me?" She asked.
I was about to close the door but she quickly got in and locked the door. I sometimes forget that she has really wick skills.
"Make it quick what do you want?" I asked rudely.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yes I'm fine now you can leave" I said rudely.
"Where?" She asked.
"Somewhere where you mine none of business" I said.
"Where?" She asked again.
"Nowhere. Dang leave me alone" I said.
"No. Now where?" She asked.
"Somewhere I can take care of myself at okay" I said. She got closer to me and I could smell Bruce scent all over her that it sicken me. She pulled my shirt up and began to touch my abs slowly.
"it's not there" I said.
"I know" she said.
"Just leave I don't need you here I can clean my leg without you" I said.
"So your leg it's wounded perfect" she said waking to the restroom and coming back with the first aid kit.
"I said I don't need your help" I said.
"And I don't care what you said" she said and got closer to me. I backed away and put distance between us.
"What are you doing?" She asked chuckling.
"I said I don't need your help" I said.
"Just take your pants off and let me help you" she said finally grabbing my wrist and pulling me closer to her. She got closer to me and we were inches away from each other.
"I think you are too close" I said.
"I think you are been silly" she said our lips almost touching.
"I think friends don't do that" I said angrily and pulled her away.
"Let me at least clean your wound" she said.
"If you will leave me alone then yes". I took my pants off and she cleaned the wound

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