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"Nate hurry up we're gonna be late to first period!" I yell behind me as we run through the parking lot and into the school building. Nate and I didn't pay attention to the time this morning, causing us to rush before the late bell rings.

"I'm right behind you!"

We walk into class as if we weren't running down the hallway a few seconds ago, out of breath and fixing our hair, and sit down just as the late bell rings.

"Well well well, guess who showed up. Looks like I owe you $5 Audrey." I hear Brianna say from the back of the room.

"They're out of breath, nearly late, and have messed up hair, looks suspicious, doesn't it, Bri?"

"Just ignore them, don't let them see it affect you, they're just looking for a reaction." Nate whispers to me, pretending to pick up his pencil so that it's not obvious that he's talking to me.

I try to calm myself down as I continue to hear them whisper and giggle to each other, but it doesn't seem to be working. I get increasingly angry as the period goes on, and I'm unable to take notes. I glance and see Nate taking notes, and I hope he'll let me copy later. I get so lost in my own thoughts, I don't realize the teacher called me on to answer her question.

"Danielle, did you hear me?"

"No I'm sorry. What was the question?"

"I said 'Can you identify all the figurative language used in the poem?' It's from your homework, you should be able to answer this."

I'm so blanked out, I don't know how to respond. "Uhm... " I sigh, "I don't have the answer right now."

She runs a hand through her hair and sighs, "Everyone turn to page 256 in your textbook."

Later, the bell rings, signaling the end of the period and everyone rushes out of the classroom. As I stand up to leave, my teacher calls me to her desk.

"Danielle, I've noticed you've been a little distracted lately. Is there something you wanna talk about?"

"It's nothing, really." I say, "I've just got a lot going on."

"Something at home? Or is it the girls still? I told you if there is any problems in my class, then we need to work on solving it."

I debate asking her to kick them out or something, but instead Nate interrupts our conversation.

"Yes ma'am, it's the girls. They've been harassing Dani and she doesn't deserve that." He says.

"Thank you Nate, Dani. I'll see you both tomorrow morning." She responds, standing up from her desk.

I walk to my locker which is near my next class, while Nate follows behind me. When I open my locker, Nate just stares at me, leaning on the row of lockers, not saying anything.

"What?" I say, slightly confused.

"You didn't wanna tell her?"

"No, I don't have to tell everyone what's wrong with my life-"

"But they're affecting your school work! Dani, you can't keep letting them control-"

"Nate, they've affected me way past my school life and there's nothing I can do about it."

"I'm not gonna let them treat you this way, I-"

"Stop, please." I whisper, pushing past him to go to my next class.

"No, stop interrupting me and listen," He says, grabbing my wrist and turning me around. "You will not be bullied by them anymore. And I'm gonna help you. Okay?"

"Okay.." I whisper, my voice barely audible.

"Okay well, go to class, I'll meet you right after." He says pulling me into a hug, then walking away to his own class.

I can't just tell people about Brianna and Audrey, they would kill me. Not literally I hope. I'm happy Nate is here to help, but I don't want him to get hurt. He's only been here for a couple days, and already we act like we've known each other for years. I have to keep the growing feelings I have for him to myself though, I don't wanna lose this friendship that is already going so great.


Nate meets me outside my 2rd period like he said he would and walks me to my 3rd. I feel like this is him protecting me from anyone who tries to start anything, because I see his eyes constantly looking at anyone who looks my direction.

"Nate, you don't have to be my bodyguard," I say, "I'm perfectly capable walking myself to class."

"It's no big deal, I don't mind the walk. Besides, my class is right there." He says pointing to the class across the hall.

"I don't think you walking me to my classes is gonna do anything."

"Better safe then sorry, Dani."

"I really appreciate it Nate," I sigh.

"Okay let's not get too serious here. I really am just trying to protect you, and if you want me to stop just say so. I don't wanna do something you don't want me doing." He says blocking me from going into my class.

"It's just, I'm not used to someone keeping watch of me, you know?"

"Well, unless you tell me to stop, get used to it because I'll be by your side." He smiles before walking into his class.

I kinda like the attention he's giving me..
Do I want him to stop protecting me?
lmao hi I finally updated
my grades are shit and so I've been trying to fix them but I have 17 days left?
meh oh well
on a positive note, my birthday is in 2 days and I'm really excited

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