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Cas quickly arrived to the bunker a few seconds after receiving Dean's message about the case they were working in Kansas. Him and Dean were talking when Sam jogged in with his muscle shirt sticking to him and his basketball shorts as well. Cas didn't know what it was but he couldn't help but stare. He was having a feeling he had never had before.

" Well, Flash go get dressed I think I found the wolfie." Dean explained, smirking. Sam met Cas's eyes and blushed, looking away. He jogged to the shower to get ready.

After Sam was ready they quickly drove to a small house near the woods. Sam and Dean loaded their pistols while Cas searched for a stealthy entrance point. The boys jumped out and quietly made it into the house when Dean was knocked over by someone. Sam was about to shoot when the wolf threw him. He hit a wall and tried to stand but the wolf was too fast. Se grabbed Sam's collar and started to scratch at his skin. He yelled in pain. Something clicked in Cas and he angrily killed the wolf. Sam fell to the ground in shock.

" Sammy, are you alright. Here let me heal you." He said worriedly. He pressed his two fingers to Sam's forehead before the tall boy could protest. Once he was healed he gripped at Cas.

" Thank you." He whispered before passing out. Dean and Cas took him to the car and put him in the back. Cas set Sam's head in his lap and leaned back.

" Cas do you have a thing for Sammy or something?" Dean asked. Cas tensed up and blushed.

" N-N-No. W-W-Why would I?" He asked nervously. Dean chuckled.

" You were totally checking him out today." Dean replied.

" I-I-I-I like Hi-m-m a l-o-o-ot." He whispered.

" If you hurt him I'll gank you." Dean growled.

" But Dean he doesn't even like me back." He replied. Cas didn't think someone could like someone like him. He thought he was unlovable but Sam loved him.

" Yes he does Cas. He just probably doesn't think you would like him. He isn't exactly the most secure person ever." Dean explained. Sam hated himself. Thought he was only an abomonation, the boy with demon blood but Cas thought he was perfect. Dean was getting defensive. He didn't want anyone dating his brother no matter who it was. Sammy was his responsiblilty.

What Cas and Dean didn't know was that Sam had heard it all but it still bothered him. He didn't understand why Cas would like him. He felt warm arms pick him up and set him down a little bit later on what felt like a bed. The hands started to move away but he groaned.

" Cas stay." He mumbled. Cas chuckled and laid down beside Sam. Sam held him in his chest and started to fall back asleep.

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