The Mark Of The Garrison

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" How do we cure said mark?" Sam asked. Dean seemed paralyzed in shock. Ellijah. His Ellijah was being controlled by some douche bag angel.

" Well the only way to cure the mark is if the person being controlled wakes up." Cas explained. Dean stomped off to his car and drove back to the motel. Cas and Sam met Dean back at the motel but he had fallen asleep. Sam laid down pulling Cas down next to him.

" Are you ok, Sam? You seem upset." Cas whispered gently.

" Worried. That's all." He mumbled into the smaller boys ear.

" It'll be alright. I promise." Cas whispered and Sam wished he could believe him.

" How do you know? We have no lead on her and we don't even know if she can fight it." He worried. Cas pulled him into his chest.

" Shhhh Sam. We will figure it out no matter what, okay? And if she can't then we will go from there for now get some sleep." He replied.

" I love you Cas." Sam mumbled into his ear.

" I love you too, Sam." Cas replied, sending shivers doen Sam's spine. Faq kissed his head before Sam finally started to drift off.


Sam and Dean waited outside the warehouse, watching for Cas's signal. They had found her, well they think they may have found her. They had been searching for days before Cas finally anounced he had an idea of where she might be but wasn't completely sure.Cas signalled them and they bursted in o see her fighting off demons but they saw it. The way she moved. The way she didn't even try to save people. Once they laid dead she looked over at them, eyes completely green.She charged at Dean but he quickly pinned her to the wall.

" Come on, El. Take control. Fight this." Dean pleaded. She laughed dryly, flinging him across the room.

" You think your cute little angle girl can win. She's gone, honey." She spat, flinging Dean again. He fell with a groan, back bloody. Suddenly an idea crossed Sam's mind. He rn over to where Dean was and pulled him up. Dean sighed and relief but tensed as a knife was placed against his throat. Cas looked at Sam in horror and confusion.

" Do it. I know you won't." Elijah spat. Sam lightly pressed the knife into Dean's neck causing him to groan in pain. Suddenly Elijah started to shake.

" Do it or I will." She growled, lunging her blade at Dean, but suddenly stopped halfway. The mark on her hand glowed and slowly started to burn off.

" NO!" She schreeched, flinging Sam to the side and her eyes going back to normal. She placed to fingers on Dean's forehead and healed him before falling into a heap in his arms.

" ELI!" Dean yelled rushing her to the car with Sam and Cas at his heels.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it's short, Things have been kinda crazy. Hope you love it and feed back is welcome! Bye loves!

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