The Boy with Demon Blood

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Sam woke up in confusion when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He looked down to see Cas cuddled into his chest. He blushed and lightly shook the sleeping angel.

" Cas wake up." He whispered. Cas shot up abd glanced around. He noticed his arms around Sam and he quickly disappeared. Sam sighed. See Sammy, he doesn't want abomination like you. He wants someone like Dean. You're just muck. You're the boy with demon blood. Sam thought to himself. He ran a hand through his hair and went to make some breakfast.

Cas had disappeared to Dean's room and explained everything to Dean. Dean sighed and thought about what to do.

" Just tell him how you feel." Dean suggested.

" How?" Cas asked nervously.

" Just say it." Dean replied.

" Dean I brought breakfast." Sam called calmly, quietly knocking on his door. Cas wooshed away and Dean opened the door toreveal a slightly upset looking Sam with a bag of pancakes and coffee. Dean smiled and grabbed the pancakes. He could tell what happened with Cas today was upseting Sam even though his little brother was trying to hide it.

" Are you alright, Sammy?" He asked but Sam was lost in his thoughts. The boy with demon blood. Abomination. Unlovable. Demon blood. Before Dean could think Sam collapsed on the floor. Dean rushed over to him and set him on the couch.

" Cas get down here somethings wrong with Sammy." Dean whispered urgently. Cas appeared with a worried look on his face. Without hesitation Cas pressed a hand against the tall boy's cheek. Sam shot up panting with tears streaming down his face. He jumped away from Dean and Cas. Demon blood, Sammy. You're unlovable. Unwanted. You're just a boy with demon blood.

" Sammy!" Dean yelled, shaking the young boy. Suddenly Sammy woke up. He fell into a heap, silently sobbing. Cas held him as Dean went to get him water.

" Shhh Sammy it's okay." But Cas could now hear his thoughts and his heart broke. Cas couldn't believe that is what he saw himself as.

" Dean, why does he think so lowly of himself?" The angel asked as Dean held the glass to Sam's lips.

" I wish I knew." He whispered. After a bit Sam managed to calm down but Cas couldn't let it go. He is no abomination. He is perfect. He is light.

" Hey Sammy Cas wanted to tell you somethin'." Dean said before leaving the room with his food. Sammy looked over at Cas who was cherry red.

" Sam I know you don't think you are good enough but I love you. I always have. I think you're perfect." The young angel explained.

" N-N-No. I'm not good enough Cas. I'm impure. I'm unlovable." Sam whispered.

" No you aren't Sam you ar-" but he was cut off by the sound of Sam running and he knew Sam wasn't runningfrom him. He was running from himself.

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